[hider=Takakiko Moneaux WIP (Nearly Done!)] [center][color=limegreen][h2][u][b]Prisoner Data Form[/b][/u][/h2][/color][h3][color=seagreen]Takakiko Moneaux[/color][/h3] [hider=Photograph][img]http://i.imgur.com/9saKFVU.png[/img][/hider] [/center] [color=seagreen][b]Aliases:[/b][/color] Princess Nitro [color=seagreen][b]Prisoner ID Number:[/b][/color] 2313 [color=seagreen][b]Species:[/b][/color] Nohvan [color=seagreen][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=seagreen][b]Age:[/b][/color] 32 (Young Adult) [color=seagreen][b]Former Faction:[/b][/color] [b][color=orangered][color=yellow]💥[/color][u]Maximum Octane[/u][color=yellow]💥[/color][/color][/b] [color=seagreen][b]Physical Description:[/b][/color] [hider=Description Form] [color=seagreen][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5'6, 170cm [color=seagreen][b]Weight: [/b][/color]122lb, 55kg [color=seagreen][b]Eye Description:[/b][/color] Icy blue set in a sea of dark gray, almost black. [color=seagreen][b]Hair Description:[/b][/color] Seafoam-green, feels sort of silky. [color=seagreen][b]Skin Description:[/b][/color] Pink, with a texture akin to silicone; Smooth, Squishy, Soft, and feels slightly slippery. [color=seagreen][b]Scars, Birthmarks, or other Identifying Traits:[/b][/color][list] [*][url=http://i.imgur.com/BXb73vj.jpg]Circuitry[/url] tattooed around her eye, slightly darker than her skin color. [*] Her hand has [url=http://i.imgur.com/hfNFARl.jpg]Stylized Circuitry[/url] ending just below her elbow, which is also slightly darker than her skin color. [*] [url=http://i.imgur.com/wbt2MxD.png]Dots and Numbers[/url] run up her spine from the base or her neck to the small of her back and are colored pitch black. [*] Very pale scars on just above her temples where her Antennae were removed as a child. [*] Various small, pale scars scattered about her person, the most noticeable are:[list] [*]A large jagged scar on her hip where she was sliced clean through by shrapnel, appears recent. [*] Two parallel scars on her left shin... also.. from shrapnel, partially faded but not by much. [*] A multitude of tiny scars crisscrossing her hands and forearms..also from.. you know she should really stop blowing shit up. [*] Her right index and middle finger are mechanical, the nails of which can become 2cm blades. [*] She has two screws in her right foot, two rods in her right shin, and another screw in her right hip. [/list][/list] [color=seagreen][b]Description of Clothing/Armor:[/b][/color] Typically Takakiko can be found wearing her form fitting skin suit, which fits beneath her [url=http://imgur.com/VjAvYei]Armor[/url], complete with a pair of goggles that filter light, allowing her to function during day light hours. In her downtime she's a fan of loose shirts, the kind that are a few inches short of a dress, boy shorts, and toe-socks, most of which are all done in bright colors with abstract patterns, or silly icons and images. [/hider] [color=red][b]Bionic Limbs/Synthetic Organs/Robotic Augmentations:[/b][/color] N/A [color=seagreen][b]Weapons of Choice:[/b][/color] [color=seagreen][b]Charges/Sentences:[/b][/color] [color=gold]List of Charges as recognized by the Official Galactic Court[/color][list] [*][color=seagreen][b]Aiding and Abetting:[/b][/color] Takakiko has been an accessory to a multitude of crimes, most of which reflect her other charges. [*][color=seagreen][b]Assault and Battery:[/b][/color] Provoked physical altercations with civilians, officials, and law enforcement officials.[list][*][color=seagreen][b]Aggravated Assault and Battery:[/b][/color] Unprovoked attacks on civilians, officials, and law enforcement officers.[/list] [*][color=seagreen][b]Drug Trafficking and Distribution:[/b][/color] Moving excessive quantaties of illegal drugs including banned genetic enhancements, dangerous mind altering drugs, and other narcotics with the intent to sell.[list][*][color=seagreen][b]Posession:[/b][/color] Quantities of illegal drugs found on her person.[/list] [*][color=seagreen][b]Trespassing:[/b][/color] Entering personal homes, businesses, and otherwise restricted areas unlawfuly.[list][*][color=seagreen][b]Theft:[/b][/color] The removal of items or information from these properties.[/list] [*][color=seagreen][b]Arson:[/b][/color] The burning of establishments, landmarks, vehicles, and of personal or government property. [*][color=seagreen][b]Bribery:[/b][/color] An attempt to assuage her charges using lollipops and other promises of "treats". [*][color=seagreen][b]Conspiracy:[/b][/color] Prior knowledge and planning of actions with the intent to commit a crime or break the law. [*][color=seagreen][b]Disorderly Conduct:[/b][/color] Excessive public intoxication.[list][*][color=seagreen][b]Public Indecency:[/b][/color] Urinating in public, Partial or full nudity within view of the public. [*][color=seagreen][b]Disturbing the Peace:[/b][/color] Excessive Yelling and Threatening of other persons, fighting, and loud music. [*][color=seagreen][b]Domestic Violence:[/b][/color] Physical Altercations with romantic partners.[/list] [*][color=seagreen][b]D.U.I[/b][/color] Driving under the influence on resulting in public endangerment. [*][color=seagreen][b]Human Trafficking:[/b][/color] The unlawful captureand detainment of any persons with intent to sell them. [*][color=seagreen][b]Shoplifting:[/b][/color] The removal of items from a business during operating hours without intent to purchase. [*][color=seagreen][b]Vandalism:[/b][/color] Marking, Altering, or otherwise destroying of person, public, or private property, objects, or other belongings. [*][color=red][b]Dangerous Weapons:[/b][/color] Possession, Creation, Distribution, and Use of dangerous weapons unlawfully with intent to sell, cause harm, or vandalize properties or persons, most notably explosives. [*][color=red][b]Homicide:[/b][/color] Over a thousand estimated counts of manslaughter and murder of the first, second, and third degrees. [*][color=red][b]Grand Theft Auto:[/b][/color] The unlawful hijacking of personal, private, and restricted vehicles. One count of military grade theft of a prototype aerial combat plane with space and FTL capabilities. Estimated damages from this incident are in the thousands of millions. [color=red][b]Verdict:[/b][/color] Sentenced to death by electrocution. [/list] [color=seagreen][b]Skills:[/b][/color][list] [*][color=hotpink][b]"PewPewPew!":[/b][/color] Takakiko is an above average shot due to a life thats put her in more than one firefight, though she's not particularly skilled in firearms. [*][color=hotpink][b]"VroomVroom!":[/b][/color] She likes to run, skip, and jump, she likes to drive fast, and she loves being in the cockpit of fancy birds. [*][color=hotpink][b]"Kaboooom!":[/b][/color] Taka is naturally talented in the use and creation of explosives. It's one of her favorite hobbies, blowing shit up-that is. [*][color=hotpink][b]"He laughed at me... So I blew him up.":[/b][/color] The moral of this is actually that itself: Moral Ambiguity. To Taka, sometimes right is wrong and wrong isn't always right. Wait. Sometimes right isn't wrong and wrong is- Oh fuck it. She doesn't always see things the way others do. [*][color=hotpink][b]"DISTRACTION!":[/b][/color] With about zero finesse, cunning, or thought at all Taka is pretty handy at creating a distraction. Not the smooth talking, ankle showing, flirty kind of distraction. More of the "something just fucking blew up in the distance" kind of distraction. [*][color=hotpink][b]"I answered his questions and questioned his answers, he answered my answers and questioned my questions?!"[/b][/color] She has this.. [i]way[/i] with words that makes it incredibly hard to obtain information from her when she doesn't want to tell you. Sometimes it involves a lot of whimsical nonsense and misdirection. [*][color=hotpink][b]"What's this do?":[/b][/color] dabbling as a tinkerer, Taka can take apart a remote control and put it back together just to see how it works... but it may also control your lights and shower functions as well. She's better at fiddling with weapons, especially things that explode, though you might explode. Your cat might also explode. [/list] [color=seagreen][b]Flaws:[/b][/color][list] [*][color=hotpink][b]"None I'm a fricking princess!":[/b][/color] That's a god damned lie. She has a somewhat warped perception. She's a princess, your dog is a steed, and you- you fine person are a pleb. Sometimes she doesn't understand things, or sees them quite differently, on top of having a skewed moral compass. [*][color=hotpink][b]"I'm a little screwy":[/b][/color] Taka has a somewhat childlike nature about her. Somewhere along the line she broke, and her personality seems to constantly fluctuate between being an adult and being stuck in her childhood, creating an... interesting line in the middle, to say the least. This is a part of her flawed moral views, and has a tendency to make people underestimate her. The innocence associated with this means she's loves the wrong things, including people, for the wrong reasons, trusts things for odd reasons, and has a minimal sense of personal safety. For example: She loves candy because of her sweet-tooth, but especially because [color=seagreen]"It looks like me!."[/color] [*][color=hotpink][b]"Meltdown! Meltdown!":[/b][/color] Taka has PTSD from her early life. She struggles with nightmares, seems to constantly be moving her hands, and will literally try to fight you if she becomes too angry. She's also terrified of confined spaces, having her hands restrained, and secretly fears losing people. [*][color=hotpink][b]"I'm meeellltttiinggg!":[/b][/color] Being a Nohvan, her eyes are sensitive to light. She can barely see in daylight, and relies on a pair of light filtering goggles to function during daytime hours. Bright flashes can blind, stun, and disorient her. Constant exposure to bright light can permanently damage her eyes. [*][color=hotpink][b]"Dude I'm like.. a fish":[/b][/color] Taka doesn't have much physical prowess. She's on the weaker side, lacking strength and endurance. She's not exactly clever, she's not very witty, and her smarts really only lie in weapons, vehicles, and things that go boom. [*][color=hotpink][b]"You talking to me? Huh? Punk?!":[/b][/color] Her reputation as 'Princess Nitro' proceeds her, and some people are still trying to claim the bounties on her head, even after her incarceration. [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] (1 paragraph minimum.) [b]Personal Biography:[/b](3 paragraph minimum, please) [color=seagreen][b]Personal Belongings:[/b][/color] Typically some sort of candy, a package of concentrated salt licks, cigarettes, a gold plated flip lighter with the insignia for the Maximum Octane group, A necklace made out of a flattened, circular piece of shiny metal with no visible markings. [color=seagreen][b]Other:[/b][/color][indent] [color=seagreen][b]Likes:[/b][/color] Sweet Treats, Salty Foods, Dancing, Metal EDM, Spaceships, Driving Fast, Explosions, Being a princess, guns that sound like explosions, vandalism, the color [color=seagreen]sea green[/color]. [color=seagreen][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] Authority, cold feet, sour things, onions, the color [color=palevioletred]Puce[/color], being treated like a child (Irony). [/indent] [b]Theme song[/b]: (Optional) [/hider]