[quote=@Polybius] 1. Could we have some examples of archaeo-tech? Are these massive machines or more like small devices? I definitely want to make use of them, just need a jumping-off point. [/quote] I'd like to chime in on Hug's answer with some additional ideas. Archaeotech covers a wide range of artifacts numerous functions and states of working order. There may be hand-held devices that may serve as compasses to ichor fields or magical anomalies; on the other end of the spectrum there may be voidship engines the size of a small castle that catalyze ichor into pure arcane energy. Archaeotech is very old, and most of the artifacts that are left going to be useless except as trinkets and curiosities. Functional archaeotech will likely be extremely difficult to understand or use by the inhabitants of modern Azoth - it would be like a medieval Englishman finding a working smartphone. A class of people known as archaeologians who are part scholars and part craftsmen have come about to study archaeotech and figure out how it works.