[center][hr][hr][h1][color=f26522][b]Cynthia[/b][/color] [b]& [color=82ca9d]Marc[/color] & Tim[/b][/h1] [/center][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] The Gym/Outside[/center][hr] Cynthia smiled brightly, if not slightly psychotic like as the two sisters said they were ready to turn in for the night and she was invited to join them. It would be her first sleep over in ages and she was as excited as a child on Christmas morning, and just as goofy as she made a hop, skip, and a jump outside and over towards Riley's car, letting out a whistle as she looked at it. Once Riley had opened the door she dove in head first into the back seat and let out a giggle. [color=f26522]"We get room service or we go to store? I say room service. Why room service? Because then we can just get into our jammies and have pillow fights while we wait. You don't have jammies. They'll let me borrow a pair. They will. Won't you? I hope so. Why do you hope so? Otherwise I am sleeping in the buff. You are? Well aren't you? Well if you don't have jammies I might. Well we don't. But they'll let us borrow some right? I dunno. Maybe store first. But we don't have money. Well we can charge it. To what? I dunno, plastic? We don't have plastic. Well isn't that a piece of plastic that the coke bottle is made out of? We don't have a coke bottle. Oh yeah. Buff? Buff.."[/color] Cynthia rambled on and on in the back seat of the car. Tim watched as the three left and let out a visible sigh of relief to see that Cynthia was being taken with the girls. One, numbers were better than anything, and two it meant that he didn't have to deal with Cynthia's ramblings anymore that evening. Looking over to Jacob he nodded slightly as he took down a few notes and such from what the man had told him so he could report it back to Marc once he was back inside the gym. "Alright, well I would suggest being careful tonight. Two of those murdered were seen leaving the gym together. I will be at the station for the rest of the evening once I leave here if you would feel safer there until your bodyguard shows up," he said shaking his head a little bit. "I want those hard copies by morning Jacob, otherwise you get to deal with Marc," he said before turning on his heels and making her way over to the remaining of those in the gym and starting to usher them out of the place. Outside Marc held Ashley tight, he didn't want anything to happen to her. Reaching up he wiped away the tears with the tips of his fingers before finally letting her go. [color=82ca9d]"I know, just stay close,"[/color] he said before he turned and noticed that Riley, her sister, and Cynthia were leaving the [i]party[/i] and heading out. It was probably a good idea for everyone too. [color=82ca9d]"Come on, I need to talk to Tim real fast and then we can head out. You're staying with me tonight Ashley, not debating that,"[/color] he said as he wrapped an arm around his shoulder and lead her back into the building. Finding Tim quickly they two exchanged a few notes on what he had found out, what had come in from the coroner so far, and what all the man knew so far. Once that was done he turned back to Ashley and reached out to her, rubbing her shoulders lightly. [color=82ca9d]"Let's get you somewhere safe for the night. Are you hungry? We can stop and pick something up or I can make you some eggs when we get to my parents house,"[/color] he said in a kind voice as he lead her out of the gym and over to his car.