[center][h2][color=009966]Joseph 'Tank' Cooper[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] Tank looked around casually, or so it seemed. He scanned the office with an experienced eye, and sighed when Gregory said the the gun and phone were missing. [i]Figures[/i], he thought to himself. However, it seemed the universe decided to teas them a bit, and Cecily produced the phone miraculously. Tank smirked, and decided it was time to look over Peyton and Danica's files. He slid the folder out from under his arm and flipped it over. He'd seen Danica's body up close and personal. [i]Too bad[/i], he thought to himself yet again when he remembered her broken body. Even the good looking ones are nothing but meat and bone when you get down to it. He sniffed a small laugh as his mind caught up with him. Funny how he might forget that even for a second. His entire life up to this point has been a constant reminder of how shitty and weak people are. He checked the time, and let out a breath. He still wasn't late for his date just yet. He wouldn't be either. If he had a motorcycle handy and 15 minutes, he'd get anywhere in the city on time. Granted, he'd leave many civilians with near heart attacks, but it didn't bother him. Back to business, since he was familiar with the 'suicide' of the late Danica, he decided to take a closer gander at Peyton's photos. The first one was a bloody mess, as were the next few. Despite the gore, he could tell there was a slight family resemblance between the two women. Suddenly the next photo after the meat grinder montage was the gun she had used. "[color=009966]Hellooo,[/color]" he said out loud, and flipped the pic around for both Greg and Cecily to see. "[color=009966]This is a complete long shot, but does this gun or model type bring back any memories?[/color]" he asked Cecily bluntly, one eyebrow cocked.