[b]Anselm Dunn - Giant of Albion[/b] Dunn stood quietly in the background next to a stone, with his bag firmly held in his left hand and a cigarette in his right. He often drank and smoked excessively, but it didn't bother him as the weakening of his curse several hundred years ago had also seemingly allowed him to once more use substances without becoming addicted. Previously, during the middle ages and early renaissance, Anselm had been somewhat of a raging alcoholic, no doubt something that had impaired his research. In fact, he often wondered whether the alcohol might be the reason he still hadn't been able to lift the curse. Nevertheless, he kept drinking even after his addiction left him, partly because he wasn't as enthusiastic about lifting the curse as he once was. [i]No, shake that fuckin' thought.[/i] He had quietly looked on as the others spoke. Dunn had little reason to mingle. He often found himself too bitter, resentful and slow-minded to gain anything from casual conversation with supernatural being. And Dunn was the only [i]natural[/i] being there. The only supernatural thing about him was the damned curse. Moreover, the only folk he had met of those gathered at the stone circle was Atticus Mac Cléirich and Raleigh Oakwood. He respected Atticus. Despite his demonic heritage, the man had proved just and surprisingly honest. Not that these were traits Dunn could claim to possess himself, but he respected them in others. Yet Atticus' powers were unnerving to Dunn. The idea of an ability to tamper with someone's mind, making them do things they otherwise never would have thought of unnerved Dunn, and was the reason he would never really [i]trust[/i] Atticus. Raleigh Oakwood, however, was the sole person assembled whom Dunn [i]did[/i] trust. He had first met Raleigh thousands of years ago, when Dunn was yet anything but a giant, and knew Raleigh as a protector of the natural, and someone who had fought a human invasion of Albion much like Dunn had. Unfortunately, with the same ending, too. They hadn't met after those ancient years until they both found themselves in the employ of the Bain & Howle company, in the 1800's. Since then, the two had on several occasions been paired on assignments, Raliegh providing intelligence, cunning and charm as the lead, with Dunn providing brawn and vast amounts of knowledge about the Veiled World. Personality wise, Raleigh was on most accounts the opposite of Dunn, and Dunn appreciated him for it. The two knew where they stood, and merely nodded to each other in recognition as the assembly formed. As the mingling settled and Atticus spoke up, Dunn listened intently. [i]A personal matter? What the hell?[/i] While respecting the man, Dunn felt no obligation to Atticus. Disinterested, he gazed at the map and passed it on. It was not a company mission, he didn't know the bastard they were asked to risk their lives to save, and he stood nothing to gain from doing so. As such, he presently held no intention of volunteering for this farce, unless something changed. Dunn flicked his cigarette and looked at Atticus. Bluntly, as always, he spoke up. "Give me a tangible reason to follow, and I will."