[hider=Always Wright] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/65/6c/49/656c49af64e44fd7e643bc72ff85e2ca.jpg[/img] Potentially wrong [/hider] Code Name: Smoke Real Name: Alexander Wright Age: 36 Race: Human Nationality: Canadian Personality: A mixture of cold hearted monster and some sort of huggable plush toy with silly voice lines added into the stuffing, Alex comes across as unprofessional and unreliable until you see the freak in the thick of it. Cunning and ruthless he is driven by a loneliness he chooses not to express. Surrounded by heroes and villains, he strives to be himself instead of the persona he is often labeled with. A loner. A stalker. Obsessed with Jams and Jellies. Faceless monster. Face of a monster. Alex couldn't give a shit what some moron thinks of him on or off the field of combat. Second thoughts, he believes, will get you killed every time. When the moment to strike comes you can bet he'll go for gold. Physical Appearance: Alexander stands at 5'6'', limber and slim of build, and coated head to toe in clothing. Not a single inch of flesh can be seen beneath his thick clothes and face mask. The mask itself is similar to the recon visor of one infamous talon sniper, but does not have nearly the same quality to its design. Only at close to 5 feet can he see the heat signatures of friend and foe which, to his thinking, is a preferred when in the thick of his smog. His gloves are a highly resistant type of plastic. Similar slabs of thick plastic are spread evenly on key points of his chest, arms, shoulders, back, things, and legs. A shot to the knee will incapacitate him, as it is unprotected, but a bullet to the chest is just a painful annoyance. His weapons of choice are smoke canisters, a smoke maker on his back (vents out of his coat rapidly) and his sword and pistol. [hider=Pistol] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/564x/bc/da/64/bcda64fb5980b9458a758557b1f17b2f.jpg[/img] Comes with silencer and spare cartridge of explosive rounds [/hider] Affiliations: None (Think Roadhog / Junkrat) Brief History: Born and raised in the yukon territories there wasn't a whole lot to say. Life was simple, people were friendly, and the bugs were big. Boys grew up to be men and girls grew up to be women. What that meant exactly you couldn't say but it was enough to know that the kids grew up with the skills to succeed. Alexander was born to a retired military officer and a former mistress of espionage who dropped off the map to raise their child in peace. Alex was brought up simple and taught simple. But the war continues even if you leave it, and Alex watched it all. His parents taught him a great deal of their lives, choosing not to keep it a secret from their son, and taught him a great deal of their knowledge ranging from how to shoot a gun to how to hide in the shadows. On his 18th birthday Alex enrolled in the military. At 25 he came a mercenary. At 28 he was a spy overseas for Talon. At 29 he was declared dead via friendly fire. Two weeks later he was back in the field as a mercenary with nobody the wiser. Preferring not to be too talkative, Alex was considered a loner and subsequently forgotten. At the age of 36 he remains a mercenary of sorts and fights with the remnants of the former Overwatch to prevent more disasters as a backline infiltrator. Equipped with new experimental tech, and a thirst for combat, he returns to the relative spotlight to continue the family tradition. Combat Role: (Offense, Defense, Tank, Support) Sub-class: (Builder, Flanker, Sniper, Healer, Offensive Tank, Defensive Tank) Abilities: Ability 1: Tactical camouflage - Smoke uses a visual disruption field on his belt to obscure his form at great distances but is less effective when approaching another person. Ability 2: Smokescreen - Smoke releases a stream of thick smoke as he moves, creating a large screen that further obscures the movements of anyone caught in it. Ability 3: Explosive rounds - Changes the bullets in his sidearm from silent precise shots to exploding rounds Primary Fire: Rapier slash and stab Secondary Fire: Silenced pistol Passive: Nimble fighter - Can quickly scale walls Ultimate: Calamity - Smoke brings his tactical camouflage belt and smokescreen to peak performance levels, rendering him all but invisible while spewing out thick black smoke, preventing enemies from seeing out of the screen. Enemies caught in the cloud are visible to Smoke. Strengths: Smoke excels at flanking the enemy team thanks to tactical camouflage, skirting the fight before coming up from behind with his silenced pistol, taking down primary targets or forcing them to flee until he reveals himself. In Mid ranged combat and close combat, Alexander makes use of his explosive shots and his saber to quickly finish off a foe before retreating back to a safe distance to attack again. Weaknesses: Alexander lacks greatly in defending positions for long, relying on his camouflage and smoke to see him out of the area. If forced to defend a point for too long he will be a sitting duck for a coordinated attack. Despite smokescreens obvious advantage of limiting sight, it does not hide him from widowmakers infra-red sight or opponents like Hanzo who mark targets easily at a distance. Once caught in the open Alexander is an easy target, lacking any real defensive moves.