“The concept’s the same,” he told her in relation to surviving in the desert as opposed to the forests between Syliras and Zeltiva. “I miss it sometimes, to be honest.” It had been a long while since Viktor graced the wilds with his prolonged presence. Though Elann knew little about the domain Noah once held over the Bronze Woods, she’d feel perhaps dwarfed by what Viktor once held in his grasp only a decade ago. He nodded at Elann’s acceptance of where they’d be going later that day, it all sounded fine. He found her grin bizarre though, and how she nonchalantly put out that she didn’t eat at the only other restaurant she had been in. He left it alone, partly stopped in conversation as the pause between them turned into Elann giving her announcement of leave. Again, he nodded and reached over for his book on the end table, crossing one leg over the other’s knee and reclining in the seat. He opened the book as Elann went off into the kitchen. As she passed through the archway Elann was greeted with the full aroma of what was cooking. The steak had been pulled out of the pan, sat aside to rest and wait for the remaining of the bacon to be cooked through. Already there was a fair pile on the counter beside the pieces of steak. A cluster of eggs sat in a bowl ready to be cracked open and scrambled up as well. A fresh loaf of bread sat on a rack, on a plate was a few left over slices from last night’s bread. Taking up the last bit on the counter was a large bowl of that morning’s porridge, rewarmed and flavored for this second breakfast’s consumption. Aimee and Ryon both looked up from what they were doing at the counters in order to see Elann walk in. Ryon greeted her with a small smile, acknowledging her presence, and Aimee waved. “Good morning, Elann,” Aimee chimed. “How are you feeling? Alright, I hope, given being able to finally sleep on a bed after the trip.”