The young woman was shopping in a grocery store, gaze scanning the apple selection. She looked ordinary enough. A bit eccentric with her outfit for the place, she was dressed in a long sleeve pink sweater, a knee length denim skirt, and a wide red belt that would be more at home on an anime girl than real life. But she did seem to have stepped out of a manga with the near perfect long, blonde hair, almost sparkling in the light. A long hair clip kept her bangs out of her face, making it easy to see her light brown eyes. A store clerk that was working the produce wandered over and asked if she needed help, but instead of answering normally, she pulled out an electric notepad and wrote her answer on its face before lifting it up for the man to read. She couldn't talk, it seemed. A mute maybe? The clerk, in response to what was written, nodded before pointing towards the granny smith display in the center of produce, then smiled and wished her a good day. The woman smiled and nodded back, quickly making a beeline over to pick out a few of the green, tart apples, added them to her basket, then headed to check out. Esailia Sighed as she almost jogged away from the store. Sometimes she wondered if it was worth the trouble of avoiding the governments that wanted to learn more about that meteor. Always sneaking around, looking over one's shoulder, praying that there wasn't an agent on her tail. There were others like her, chattering away telepathically as if it couldn't be spied upon. Just like any other form of remote communication, it created waves in the air that could be detected, given you had the proper sensory modification. She learned this when she was almost caught after leaving the hotel she stayed at long ago, on top of learning about how the governments were after people like her. She only had a theory of course, but how else would they have known about her? No doubt there was some folder with her name on it in an office cabinet somewhere in a government building... Esailia pulled an apple out of her grocery bag, biting into it as she pondered the offer of a safe haven as well. While it wasn't the best idea, what did she have to gain over losing? She could gain allies, people she can work with to survive. She could be caught, and experimented on like in her nightmares. She could teach others how to control their thoughts and protect themselves from the governments. She could be forced to tell agents how to better find others like her with torture... She took another bite of her apple, sighing and in her head muttered a curse in german....