[center][b]Cindra Dubrovnik[/b][/center] As the lieutenant stammers the beginnings of an explanation, the admiral walks in and starts yelling for reports. Cinder holds up a hand to silence the lieutenant, wishing for the first time that ghosts didn't have a terrifying effect on most people, and slumps in the nearest bench. Putting her head in her hands, she inhales deeply, waits five seconds, and exhales. She repeats this breathing exercise multiple times until her heart rate evens out, then leans back and watches the room. The Admiral didn't even know this was going to happen. They could be fucking anywhere, and the planet before them could be entirely uninhabitable. They don't know enough about the area for a jump to another system, or even another planet. They could die here- Cinder cuts her negative thoughts off before they can progress further. This is exactly why she hates warp jumps. Something could always go wrong, and she would have no control over it. Well, the worst had happened, and she was asleep for it. Now all that matters is how she reacts, and what she can do to help the situation. Cindra takes a deep breath and looks at the ceiling, her mind racing through countless scenarios and what she could do next. Finally, after a minute of deliberation, she stands and takes measured steps towards Admiral Magnus, reminding herself that he was not responsible for this, but he may be able to fix it. "Sir," she begins carefully, "I would like to request that a surface scan be made, and if civilization is found, that I be the first down to scout it out. I believe a ghost would be the best option for surface reconnaissance, for obvious reasons."