Just like that, they began to enter. One after another. He was clad in his Spider-Man uniform as was to be expected. Even though he was on duty as a teacher he was first and still a superhero, and these were potential heroes in training. Shortly after the entrance of the first student he dropped from the ceiling to the floor and removed his mask. "Right. Hi. Hey. Morning. I'll keep it short til we're all here." He more or less awkwardly greeted each student as they entered. He should have been more prepared, but he wasn't. He sighed and scratched his head. He would wait until the class had fully assembled before he got into anything serious as he'd said. Soon enough, the final member would arrive, much to his surprise. He took a breath and stepped away with a chuckle before clearing his throat. "Alright! So it's looks like everyone is here." He said as he head his mask tightly in his hand. If nothing else, at least he had a friend here, not that he could be too open about that. After all, he had to remain an impartial and fair teacher. To a degree anyway. "I ran into some trouble in preparing for the class and initially I wasn't supposed to start until next week. But... Your original first teacher this semester ran into a more... Long term predicament." He explained as vaguely as possible as was required when it came to high scale operations or personal things. Still, one thing was a little off with him. He would need to get used to a place where so many people knew his identity. It was an area of trust after all. Free from the government and public eye, but open within the confines of the school. "So, I was thinking you guys could help me out. As with any first class, I want to start with introductions." He began officially as he turned towards the computer console which would control the danger room and simulations. "I want each of you to introduce yourselves and talk a little bit about yourself and your abilities. It doesn't have to be anything big. Just a bit to put yourself out there." He said as he turned back to the group while the machinery began to start up and he leaned back against the console. After that, he'd use what he learned to set up a simulation for each individual student. "I want to learn about you all and then I want to test you all. So start getting mentally prepared, but don't forget to listen to each other and give yourselves the proper respect you deserve." Hopefully he was doing an alright job. It wasn't like teaching a normal class. He was probably more nervous than he'd been his first day ever teaching anyone, noted by a glance at Gwen, though he didn't allow that look to linger.