Aimee showed a kind smile to Elann after she remarked on the bed being comfortable. “That’s all we could hope for,” she said in reply, polite and in passing. She moved over to the hearth, flipping the bacon over with a fork. Ryon turned to face Elann and the kitchen, leaning against the countertop, folding his arms and crossing his legs at the ankles. Things were near complete, all that needed to be done were the eggs and last of the bacon, so he was relaxing. The young wolf met Elann’s gaze and heard her words as she asked about Noah’s whereabouts. Ryon nodded behind Elann out into the archway but was ultimately nodding through the main hall and into the entrance hall, regarding the front door of the house. “He’s on the porch with Jocelyn,” he told her. “Both of them slept through the breakfast that momma cooked but woke up a little while before you.” His eyes focused on Elann once again. “He didn’t wake up early in Syliras?” he questioned. “You said you were surprised.” “That’s funny,” Aimee added from the hearth. “He would wake up before most of us, even after he’d spend most the night outside. He must’ve gotten lazy when he moved away.” Ryon pushed off from the counter and moved towards the window facing the front of the house. He moved aside the curtain with the back of his hand and peered through the pane, noting the exterior of the house. “They’re in the yard now,” he commented. “I’m not surprised,” Aimee said, “Jocelyn and him were really close before he left. You’d think he was her baby and not momma’s.” A small laugh came from her as she remembered the past, though it subsided and she retook her calm, focusing on the smells of the bacon.