Godamn this theme song is about to make me cry. Tell me what you think and if I need to make any changes. [hider=The Nohvan's of Novia] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/yx4KErz.jpg[/img][/center][center][h2][color=seagreen]The Nohvan[/color][/h2][/center] [b]Home Planet:[/b] Noviah [b]Brief Summary of their Home Planet:[/b] The planet much resembles earth, except it is about 4.0x larger and is pretty much a thick jungle all the way around, with scattered mountain ranges, a handful of plateaus, and few plains. Water is plentiful, covering about 61% percent of the planet and creating an abundance of water channels such as rivers, lakes, and springs. However, it's purely saltwater, Nohvan's can't drink pure freshwater. Some villages exist on land, typically high up or set in cave systems. However, the world is extremely dangerous and even the plants want to kill you, so the Nohvan's have taken to the oceans, building great floating biospheres and underwater cities. Most of the danger lies on the mainland, most. The most famous of these deadly predators is the [url=http://imgur.com/9gWCnsl]Canopy Wyrm[/url], A long snake like creature that travels through the tops of the thick jungle trees and averages in sizes that could easily swallow a normal man without trouble. Even when fighting them one has to be careful, if it's not the long toothed mandibles it may be that fact that it bleeds an acidic compound. Another of the planet's infamous deadly beasts are actually a somewhat semi-intelligent [url=http://imgur.com/rkZyWsO]Gharou[/url]. With fundamental weapons and tools, this species has a pack mentality, and live in orbital houses woven from vines and such, set against thick tree trunks and connected by elevated bridges. They are also extremely territorial, and will pursue trespassers across their entire territory. They are quick, and very numerable, but not very smart nor particularly strong. Turning towards the waters, the situation tends to be a bit safer, if you can handle the salt. The most danger inland is from small river serpents, most of which are of course, poisonous. The most notable aquatic danger lies in the ocean, following the theme of enormous, dangerous serpents brings us to the [url=http://imgur.com/Gg1Dsr1]Dhumandi[/url], the water variant and cousin of the Canopy Snake. Fortunately they avoid brightly lit areas, unfortunately masses of surface water algae allow the Dhumandi higher depths of hunting. They don't bother the cities, or most aquatic vehicles, really diver's without a few extremely bright lights are in danger. The creature has very poor eyes which are sensitive to light, but also has an incredibly tough skin. [b]Empires This Race Belongs To:[/b] It is the only race in its empire [b]Member of the Galactic Federation?:[/b] Yes, they joined later as pirates became a serious threat to Noviah. [b]Number of Colonies:[/b] Seven [b]General Appearance:[/b] Nohvan's typically range from 5'5 to 6'1, anything above or below those numbers doesn't fit the average. As a people they are typically lithe, with toned and compact muscles when present, almost not noticeable due to the nature of their skin which closely mimics Silicon. It's soft, slightly slippery, and has about the same durability as a Human's. Nohvan's are typically brightly colored, females tending to be more along the more vibrant colors such as violet, teal, and so forth, whereas males tend to have deeper hues. Silver and White are androgynous colors, and are uncommon. Pure Red and Pink Nohvan's are rare. Nohvan's tend to be born with colors relating to their environment, a genetic adaptation to help them blend in. If all else fails they do have a pair of hollow fangs which inject a fast acting paralytic poison. Nohvan's have webbed fingers and toes, wide eyes, and pointed ears that poke out of brightly colored hair, which feels soft and almost silky. Due to the day and night cycles, their eyes have adapted to better see in low-light conditions, especially in the underwater cities, and the biospheres which are kept very dim. The iris almost looks like a cataract with color, and that's not far off. In normal daylight vision is very blurry for Nohvans, anything brighter can stun and cause pain, extreme conditions can result in trauma to the eyes leading to blindness. [b]Average Life Span:[/b] Approximately 160 Earth Years, Average age of death is roughly 140 years. [b]Galactic Rarity:[/b] Very Uncommon [b]Primary Governmental Structure:[/b] The Nohvan have a society based on Meritocracy, putting those with the best skills and talents in powers of position. A Nohvan child could be a governor as long as he passed the test of merits, which is an incredibly extensive test, which also takes into account personal accomplishments and your impact on society. Few children achieve strong positions, but it has happened. At anytime a council member can be challenge, pitting talent against talent, and skill against skill. The challenged has the right to pick the details of challenge, whether it be combat, a game, or something more creative. Nobody is ever forced into a position of government, and often those with great merit but only hold the title of commoner are still respected and have their opinions thoroughly discussed. [b]Brief Description of Culture:[/b] Nohvan's revolve around Independence, but also Unity. You are only as good are your merit, and your merit is only as good as its impact on society. It's a solid principle based on what one can do for others, rather than themselves. Upon reaching maturity, Nohvan's are expected to set forth and seek a life for themselves, the farther away from their friends and family, the farther from their comfort zone, the more respect they earn, though visits are not unheard off. Advancing the benefit of society is the ultimate goal, which is why they rely on the Galatic Federation for their military needs. Noviah outputs an impressive amount of scientific research. [b]Special Traits/Racial Abilities:[/b][list] [*] Nohvan's have Excellent Night-vision, but quite sensitive to light. [*] Nohvan's are great swimmers, and can breath underwater. [*] Nohvan's silicon like skin reduces contact velocity, offering a slight resistance to physical impacts. [*] Nohvan's enjoy sickening amounts of sugar and salt. [*] Nohvan's have two hollow fangs, equipped with a fast acting paralytic poison. [/list] [b]Race Age:[/b] 750,000 Years [b]Brief History of the Race:[/b] The Nohvan's haven't been a part of the Galactic Federation long, but they'd been traveling in space for a time yet. Once the discovery of the FTL drives Federation forces eventually found Noviah and began negotiations, trades, and integration. Noviah, like most of their other colonies, lie close to the outskirts of known space, making them very remote. They often operate beneath the public eye, and have few members in positions of power within the Federation, but do post some of the best new technologies and rapid advancement. [b]Major Technological Innovations/Inventions:[/b] A lot of Nohvan research centers around quality of life, how to live in harsh habitats and defend against monstrous, or even tiny and dangerous creatures. However, their most notable area of expertise lies in genetic manipulation. Despite being unable to artificially incubate their own children and fixing their terribly low birthrates. The Nohvan's never struggled with disease, and have increased their own lifespans over the years. This knowledge has spread through federation space, allowing parents to choose desirable traits in their children. Even Nohvan's can inject a cell cluster into their incubating females to be absorbed by their egg sacs. [b]Expanded Cultural Overview:[/b]Nohvan's have what you would call low birth rates, despite laying hundreds of eggs, they hardly ever survive the dangerous waters of their planet. Unable to artificially incubate their offspring, it's become something of a tradition to just, continue the cycle as it always has been. Sure, they could eliminate oceanic dangers, over time, but that would destroy everything that they've founded their lives on. Death is about the only time a Nohvan will see their entire family at one time. It's a heavily important matter that they see their kin into the water, where they will sink, and surface in the afterlife. The bodies are wrapped in large swathes of seaweed and cocooned in a hardened, clear oil made from fish and algae. They sink to the bottom of the ocean where their body nourishes bottom feeders, the beginning of the food chain, for years. Birth on the other hand, is less eventful. The Female Nohvan can become pregnant from either sex and incubate hundreds of eggs, but they must be deposited in the ocean of their homeworld, attempts at artificial incubation have always failed, it's still a huge topic of research for them. And as it is with all sea life, not all of them make it. The eggs hatch hours after being deposited into leech like tadpoles, where they will seek out a source of food and latch onto it for the next couple of months. This leech matures into parasite, which then burrows into its host, if two different parasite try to enter the same host they will fight, and likely kill each other. From here the parasite incubates in the creature's reproductive organs, sending fine filaments through its hosts body which help in preserving the parasitic baby. From here the process becomes closer to human birth, except after the second incubation period, about twelve months, the Nohvan Child must find a way out of the creature, through any means possible. Finally, a year later, the child must find its way back to its mother, using the large nerve on the top of it's head like an antennae. Should a child ever make it's way home, the odds of that being about One out of the hundreds, the whole day stops immediately and an enormous celebration is spontaneously thrown together. The celebration builds steam until a full blown wild party is rampaging through the streets. Typical parties can last anywhere from an entire day, to three or four days later. At the end of the party, the Nohvan's gather for the ceremonial cutting of the Antennae, signifying the child's independence of its mother. A Nohvan child actually has many mother's, being cared for and taught by multitudes of close friends or lovers of the mother. Upon their tenth naming day, the child may get a job, and start their life, in fact, it's expected. There are really only a few ways to commit a crime on Novia; Excessive Abuse against children (Sometimes they need a slap), defilement of the dead, and murder outside mutual combat. However, laws protecting against unwanted sexual advances, assault, thievery, or things like social securing services like a police force, or fire fighting force, don't exist. Nohvan's are expected to be strong enough to protect themselves and what they own, and to come together in times of need. Taking what you want is meritable, as life itself is selfish, as long as the end goal is the benefit of society and advancement. A Nohvan child has exclusive protection until their twentieth naming day, where the celebration of maturity involves a lot of attempts to test how well the Nohvan can protect themselves and what they've acquired. Nohvan criminals, as rare as they are, are exiled from Nohvan colony worlds. Which, is actually honorable, as life is precious and independence is respected. Others see it as a death sentence. A lot of crime's are determined in a public court on a case-by-case system. Many Nohvan's choose to be exiled in the domains of humanity, due to their close resemblances. [b]Expanded History:[/b] Nohvan's began as a series of struggling tribes, living in all manners of homes and locations. It was the verge of extinction that drove them together, forming what is now the sacred ruins of Hopapi, an ancient city. Here the Nohvan's managed to survive, slowly, and defend themselves. There weren't many animals to domesticate, but the creation of tools were plentiful. Myths and Legends centered around great heroes who saved others, often depicted wrestling canopy snakes single-handedly or holding up a massive boulder from crushing their comrades and other impossible feats. As the years progressed Nohvan's became apt farmer's, without domesticated animal they lived on a diet rich in roots, vegetables, fruits, and other foliage. Hunting was a hard, and extremely honorable task, the root cause of many other legends and heroes.With the Progression from poorly crafted spears, to iron rods, and further into guns, fire weaponry, and bio-organic electricity, The Nohvan's found each stage of technology advancement increasing their rates of survival, and their quality of life. The lands were ever becoming more hostile and dangerous, and the Nohvan's eventually found ways to move out into the oceans. It began with floating wooden villages on the coasts, but that left them prone to both predators and nature, often large swells would rip apart their homes. Once the discovery of metallurgy and major processing hit, it was easier to stake a little further out using thick iron posts to anchor their cities in place, durable, but still not immune to nature. Now, the Nohvan's have large floating cities which drift along the oceans, propelled by massive engines when need be. In the event of an emergency like a tsunami, these floating biospheres and cities can use sonic wave generators to create a second tsunami, carefully measured in strength, to collie with another at a safe distance from the city. The resulting forces dispel the forces driving the original tsunami, and drive the excess water away from the city with a much gentler force. They've also taken to living along the ocean floor, and smaller communities seeking a more traditional and natural lifestyle live in cave systems or other naturally defensible locations inland. Once the Nohvan's began breaking away and creating multiple settlements, strife hit. The Nohvan's have been through many wars, which quickly depleted their numbers. It was the use of a genetically modified canopy snake that finally made them realize they were about to erase themselves from their planet. The Dhumandi was a weapon of war, and was never supposed to populate. It is the main reason that Nohvan's have such low birth survival rates. The introduction of the Dhumandi into the ecosystem threw the balance off, and as the creatures died their genetically engineer forms were devoured by other sea life. This is why Nohvan children hardly ever survive. [b]Other:[/b][list] [*] Relative Nohvan Ages in Reference to the Human Lifecycle[list] [*] 0 - 3 Months: Egg Incubation Period [*] 4 - 5 Months: Leech Larvae Stage [*] 6 Months - 1.5 Years: Parasitic Embryo Stage [*] 1.5 - 3 Years: Early Childhood [*] 4 - 7 Years: Childhood [*] 8 - 10 Years: Late Childhood [*] 11 - 14 Years: Pre-Adolescence [*] 15 - 19 Years: Adolescence [*] 20 - 24 Years: Late Adolescence [*] 25 - 49 Years: Young Adulthood [*] 50 - 74 Years: Midlife Adulthood [*] 75 - 99 Years: Mature Adulthood [*] 100 - 139 Years: Elderly Adulthood [*] 140 - 160 Years: Waiting for Death[/list] [*]Nohvan's can have memories as far back from the day they first hatched [/list] [/hider] [hider=Takakiko Moneaux] [center][color=limegreen][h2][u][b]Prisoner Data Form[/b][/u][/h2][/color][h3][color=seagreen]Takakiko Moneaux[/color][/h3][color=seagreen]"What do you mean I'm being arrested?!... Oh, that, really? But it was just ooonnee little bomb.."[/color] [hider=Photograph][img]http://i.imgur.com/9saKFVU.png[/img][/hider] [/center] [color=seagreen][b]Aliases:[/b][/color] Princess Nitro [color=seagreen][b]Prisoner ID Number:[/b][/color] 2313 [color=seagreen][b]Species:[/b][/color] Nohvan [color=seagreen][b]Gender:[/b][/color] Female [color=seagreen][b]Age:[/b][/color] 32 (Young Adult) [color=seagreen][b]Former Faction:[/b][/color] [b][color=orangered][color=yellow]💥[/color][u]Maximum Octane[/u][color=yellow]💥[/color][/color][/b] [color=seagreen][b]Physical Description:[/b][/color] [hider=Description Form] [color=seagreen][b]Height:[/b][/color] 5'6, 170cm [color=seagreen][b]Weight: [/b][/color]122lb, 55kg [color=seagreen][b]Eye Description:[/b][/color] Icy blue set in a sea of dark gray, almost black. [color=seagreen][b]Hair Description:[/b][/color] Seafoam-green, feels sort of silky. [color=seagreen][b]Skin Description:[/b][/color] Pink, with a texture akin to silicone; Smooth, Squishy, Soft, and feels slightly slippery. [color=seagreen][b]Scars, Birthmarks, or other Identifying Traits:[/b][/color][list] [*][url=http://i.imgur.com/BXb73vj.jpg]Circuitry[/url] tattooed around her eye, slightly darker than her skin color. [*] Her hand has [url=http://i.imgur.com/hfNFARl.jpg]Stylized Circuitry[/url] ending just below her elbow, which is also slightly darker than her skin color. [*] [url=http://i.imgur.com/wbt2MxD.png]Dots and Numbers[/url] run up her spine from the base or her neck to the small of her back and are colored pitch black. [*] Very pale scars on just above her temples where her Antennae were removed as a child. [*] Various small, pale scars scattered about her person, the most noticeable are:[list] [*]A large jagged scar on her hip where she was sliced clean through by shrapnel, appears recent. [*] Two parallel scars on her left shin... also.. from shrapnel, partially faded but not by much. [*] A multitude of tiny scars crisscrossing her hands and forearms..also from.. you know she should really stop blowing shit up. [*] Her right index and middle finger are mechanical, the nails of which can become 2cm blades. [*] She has two screws in her right foot, two rods in her right shin, and another screw in her right hip. [/list][/list] [color=seagreen][b]Description of Clothing/Armor:[/b][/color] Typically Takakiko can be found wearing her form fitting skin suit, which fits beneath her [url=http://imgur.com/VjAvYei]Armor[/url], complete with a pair of goggles that filter light, allowing her to function during day light hours. In her downtime she's a fan of loose shirts, the kind that are a few inches short of a dress, boy shorts, and toe-socks, most of which are all done in bright colors with abstract patterns, or silly icons and images. [/hider] [color=red][b]Bionic Limbs/Synthetic Organs/Robotic Augmentations:[/b][/color] N/A [color=seagreen][b]Weapons of Choice:[/b][/color] [color=seagreen][b]Charges/Sentences:[/b][/color] [color=gold]List of Charges as recognized by the Official Galactic Court[/color][list] [*][color=seagreen][b]Aiding and Abetting:[/b][/color] Takakiko has been an accessory to a multitude of crimes, most of which reflect her other charges. [*][color=seagreen][b]Assault and Battery:[/b][/color] Provoked physical altercations with civilians, officials, and law enforcement officials.[list][*][color=seagreen][b]Aggravated Assault and Battery:[/b][/color] Unprovoked attacks on civilians, officials, and law enforcement officers.[/list] [*][color=seagreen][b]Drug Trafficking and Distribution:[/b][/color] Moving excessive quantaties of illegal drugs including banned genetic enhancements, dangerous mind altering drugs, and other narcotics with the intent to sell.[list][*][color=seagreen][b]Posession:[/b][/color] Quantities of illegal drugs found on her person.[/list] [*][color=seagreen][b]Trespassing:[/b][/color] Entering personal homes, businesses, and otherwise restricted areas unlawfuly.[list][*][color=seagreen][b]Theft:[/b][/color] The removal of items or information from these properties.[/list] [*][color=seagreen][b]Arson:[/b][/color] The burning of establishments, landmarks, vehicles, and of personal or government property. [*][color=seagreen][b]Bribery:[/b][/color] An attempt to assuage her charges using lollipops and other promises of "treats". [*][color=seagreen][b]Conspiracy:[/b][/color] Prior knowledge and planning of actions with the intent to commit a crime or break the law. [*][color=seagreen][b]Disorderly Conduct:[/b][/color] Excessive public intoxication.[list][*][color=seagreen][b]Public Indecency:[/b][/color] Urinating in public, Partial or full nudity within view of the public. [*][color=seagreen][b]Disturbing the Peace:[/b][/color] Excessive Yelling and Threatening of other persons, fighting, and loud music. [*][color=seagreen][b]Domestic Violence:[/b][/color] Physical Altercations with romantic partners.[/list] [*][color=seagreen][b]D.U.I[/b][/color] Driving under the influence on resulting in public endangerment. [*][color=seagreen][b]Human Trafficking:[/b][/color] The unlawful captureand detainment of any persons with intent to sell them. [*][color=seagreen][b]Shoplifting:[/b][/color] The removal of items from a business during operating hours without intent to purchase. [*][color=seagreen][b]Vandalism:[/b][/color] Marking, Altering, or otherwise destroying of person, public, or private property, objects, or other belongings. [*][color=red][b]Dangerous Weapons:[/b][/color] Possession, Creation, Distribution, and Use of dangerous weapons unlawfully with intent to sell, cause harm, or vandalize properties or persons, most notably explosives. [*][color=red][b]Homicide:[/b][/color] Over a thousand estimated counts of manslaughter and murder of the first, second, and third degrees. [*][color=red][b]Grand Theft Auto:[/b][/color] The unlawful hijacking of personal, private, and restricted vehicles. One count of military grade theft of a prototype aerial combat plane with space and FTL capabilities. Estimated damages from this incident are in the thousands of millions. [color=red][b]Verdict:[/b][/color] Sentenced to death by electrocution. [/list] [color=seagreen][b]Skills:[/b][/color][list] [*][color=hotpink][b]"PewPewPew!":[/b][/color] Takakiko is an above average shot due to a life thats put her in more than one firefight, though she's not particularly skilled in firearms. [*][color=hotpink][b]"VroomVroom!":[/b][/color] She likes to run, skip, and jump, she likes to drive fast, and she loves being in the cockpit of fancy birds. [*][color=hotpink][b]"Kaboooom!":[/b][/color] Taka is naturally talented in the use and creation of explosives. It's one of her favorite hobbies, blowing shit up-that is. [*][color=hotpink][b]"He laughed at me... So I blew him up.":[/b][/color] The moral of this is actually that itself: Moral Ambiguity. To Taka, sometimes right is wrong and wrong isn't always right. Wait. Sometimes right isn't wrong and wrong is- Oh fuck it. She doesn't always see things the way others do. [*][color=hotpink][b]"DISTRACTION!":[/b][/color] With about zero finesse, cunning, or thought at all Taka is pretty handy at creating a distraction. Not the smooth talking, ankle showing, flirty kind of distraction. More of the "something just fucking blew up in the distance" kind of distraction. [*][color=hotpink][b]"I answered his questions and questioned his answers, he answered my answers and questioned my questions?!"[/b][/color] She has this.. [i]way[/i] with words that makes it incredibly hard to obtain information from her when she doesn't want to tell you. Sometimes it involves a lot of whimsical nonsense and misdirection. [*][color=hotpink][b]"What's this do?":[/b][/color] dabbling as a tinkerer, Taka can take apart a remote control and put it back together just to see how it works... but it may also control your lights and shower functions as well. She's better at fiddling with weapons, especially things that explode, though you might explode. Your cat might also explode. [*][color=hotpink][b]"HIYAH!"[/b][/color] Making up for what she lacks in other deparments, she's not toally helpess as she has some speed to her. She's quick and agile, and where she may not have much power behind her punches, she's a cut and dodge kind of fighter. [/list] [color=seagreen][b]Flaws:[/b][/color][list] [*][color=hotpink][b]"None I'm a fricking princess!":[/b][/color] That's a god damned lie. She has a somewhat warped perception. She's a princess, your dog is a steed, and you- you fine person are a pleb. Sometimes she doesn't understand things, or sees them quite differently, on top of having a skewed moral compass. [*][color=hotpink][b]"I'm a little screwy":[/b][/color] Taka has a somewhat childlike nature about her. Somewhere along the line she broke, and her personality seems to constantly fluctuate between being an adult and being stuck in her childhood, creating an... interesting line in the middle, to say the least. This is a part of her flawed moral views, and has a tendency to make people underestimate her. The innocence associated with this means she's loves the wrong things, including people, for the wrong reasons, trusts things for odd reasons, and has a minimal sense of personal safety. For example: She loves candy because of her sweet-tooth, but especially because [color=seagreen]"It looks like me!."[/color] [*][color=hotpink][b]"Meltdown! Meltdown!":[/b][/color] Taka has PTSD from her early life. She struggles with nightmares, seems to constantly be moving her hands, and will literally try to fight you if she becomes too angry. She's also terrified of being trapped in confined spaces. [*][color=hotpink][b]"I'm meeellltttiinggg!":[/b][/color] Being a Nohvan, her eyes are sensitive to light. She can barely see in daylight, and relies on a pair of light filtering goggles to function during daytime hours. Bright flashes can blind, stun, and disorient her. Constant exposure to bright light can permanently damage her eyes. [*][color=hotpink][b]"Dude I'm like.. a fish":[/b][/color] Taka doesn't have much physical prowess. She's on the weaker side, lacking strength and endurance. She's not exactly clever, she's not very witty, and her smarts really only lie in weapons, vehicles, and things that go boom. [*][color=hotpink][b]"You talking to me? Huh? Punk?!":[/b][/color] Her reputation as 'Princess Nitro' proceeds her, and some people are still trying to claim the bounties on her head, even after her incarceration. [/list] [b]Personality:[/b] [hider=Psyche Evaluation of Prisoner 2313] [right][sup]Credits for idea go to [@R13GN][/sup][/right] [indent][color=mistyrose][u]Session #01 - Doctor Meinar[/u][/color][/indent][color=mistyrose] Doctor Meinar: "Hello, please state your name for the record." Takakiko: [color=seagreen]"You may call me princess, servant."[/color] Doctor Meinar: "Do you know why you are here?" Takakiko: [color=seagreen]"The evil queen know's I'm prettier than her, doesn't she?"[/color] [indent][sup][b]Doctor's Note: Subject appears to have a warped perception of reality[/b][/sup][/indent] ... Doctor Meiner: "Alright, Taka-" Takakiko: [color=seagreen]"Princess"[/color] Doctor Meiner: "Taka-" Takakiko: [color=seagreen]"Princess!!"[/color] Doctor Meiner: "I cannot call you that Taka-" Takakiko: [color=seagreen]"PRINCESS, DON'T MAKE ME FIGHT YOU OLD LADY."[/color] [indent][sup][b]Doctor's Note: Subject suffers from emotional instability[/b][/sup][/indent] [sup][The door can be heard as Doctor Meiner leaves the room.][/sup] Takakiko: [color=seagreen][Begins Humming and tapping her feet.][/color] [sup][A minute passes][/sup] Takakiko: [color=seagreen][Begins laughing wildly][/color] Takakiko: [color=seagreen]"I just realized your name is Doctor Meaner! Hahaha, Doc! ... Doc?"[/color] [sup][The door can be heard as Doctor Meiner reenters the room.][/sup] Doctor Meiner: "Alright.. uh... Princess, we're going to look at some pictures okay?" Takakiko: [color=seagreen]"Hurray!"[/color] Doctor Meiner: "Tell me, what do you see in [url=http://imgur.com/ccI8N4D]this[/url] picture? Takakiko: [color=seagreen]"Mmmmnn.. A mushroom crab."[/color] Doctor Meiner: "...And [url=http://imgur.com/EpxNyaa]this[/url] one?" Takakiko: [color=seagreen]"Definately like, a nuclear cloud.. ya'know, from an explosion?"[/color] Doctor Meiner: "Right, and how about [url=http://imgur.com/WKA2P2o]this[/url] one?" Takakiko: [color=seagreen]"Hmm...Two fancy poodles, you know the kind the humans breed, right, so they're dancing and totally making out, oh and they have big butts."[/color] [sup][b][indent]Doctor's Note: Subject seems to have a child-like mentality, perhaps-[/indent][/b][/sup] Takakiko: [color=seagreen]"Watcha writing Doc?"[/color] Doctor Meiner: "Er, Ah! How did you get out of those?!" Takakiko: [Mumbling][color=seagreen]"Subject has.. child-like mentality... are you fucking with me Doc?"[/color] Doctor Meiner: "Takakiko you're not supposed to see this, sit back do-" Takakiko: [color=seagreen]"I told you I'm a frickin princess!"[/color] [sup][b][indent]Doctor's Note: Subject appears to become hostile when associated with-[/indent][/b][/sup] Takakiko: [color=seagreen]"I don't think I like you writing about me Doc!"[/color] Doctor Meiner: "Taka-" Takakiko: [Yelling][color=seagreen]"PRINCESS!"[/color] Doctor Meiner: "Gah! What are you doing?! Take your hands off of me!! Guards.. GUARDS!" Guard Roberts: "PRISONER, REMOVE YOURSELF FROM DOCTOR MEINER!" Takakiko: [Crying and Yelling][color=seagreen]"SHE'S SO MEAN!"[/color] Sergeant Thoue: "Taze-her-taze-her-taze-her!" Doctor Meiner: "OH GOD SHE'S EATING MY EAR" Takakiko: [Unintelligible Growls] Guard Roberts: "GET OFF OF HER.. OW FUCK MY FINGERS FUCKING CHRIST" Takakiko: [Unintelligible Growls] Doctor Meiner: [Paralysis induced Seizure] Sergeant Thoue: "I've got her!" Guard Yimoen: "Take her down!" Guard Johnason: "Grab her arms!"[/color] [indent][b]Transcript End[/b][/indent] [/hider] [b]Personal Biography:[/b] [hider=Final reports on the affairs of Takakiko Moneaux] [color=mistyrose]Born on her homeworld, as all Nohvan's, Takakiko was the sibling of a twin sister. Both of them had a rare form of albinism of the Nohvan people, coloring their skin pink. They arrived home together, where a full week of celebration ensued. Upon further questioning, the Nohvan colony acknowledged that the two girls admitted to being together from the beginning, even sharing the same host in their first two stages of life. This left the second girl, who was originally Takakiko, severely underdeveloped. The Takakiko we know now, was originally named Onimani. The two girls seemed inseparable, and shared some sort of psychic link with each other. It seemed they were able to sense each other's presence, from distances up to three-hundred yards, and had some sort of basic communication through this. Lab tests are unable to fully discern why this happened, or how they were able to share the same host; both of these feats should have been impossible. At the age of nine, the girl's were deprived of a normal life. During a settlement raid from a group known as Maximum Octane, a notorious band of slavers and pirates, the two girls turned up missing. Reports following the activites of the Maximum Octane group show multiple sightings of the girls with them. Hunting down the last remaining members of the know disbanded group has revealed some disturbing things. I won't go into full detail, but the girl's were subject to a hard life from then on out. Takakiko, the original, was unable to be sold on the market, and Onimani refused to leave her sister's side, and the group found trouble selling her too as she became increasingly wild when parted from Taka. So, the group held on to them, figuring they at least had two prospective members. So began the training. Taka, while underdeveloped, had an impressive intellect for a select few things, if you see the pattern here I'm sure you could guess them. Vehicles, Weapons, and Explosives. She hated being treated like a child, or a cripple because of the poor condition of her body. Her sister, fearing separation again, did her best to keep up with the things Taka was good at. They even went as far as to have Onimani try to pass off Taka's inventions as her own, but their skill levels varied widely. So was the contract set, Takakiko could work for the group, and in turn they would hold on to her sister. The plan was for Taka to eventually buy their freedom, which was prevented by the collar fitted around their necks; the kind that explode. It was years before they would attempt an escape. However, between their wages and the expenses associated with their lifestyles, and lines of work, their lives would nearly be over, if they even survived that long. Onimani began picking up more dangerous jobs, as it had been discovered she was a capable pilot in training. Somewhere around the age of fourteen, Taka finally decided she'd had enough and planned to run away. Confident she could get the collar off, after secret study sessions, she set a plan in motion. Onimani acquired a set of keys and a few provisions, and Taka hid two signal jamming chips designed to interfere with the proximity signal. The plan went flawlessly, as Onamani managed to take down two guards, and paralyze a third to hijack a ship that had been under maintenance for for a recolour and tag change. The unmarked ship blasted its way free of the hangar bay, ultimately resulting in the death's of the three unconscious guards, and another four who had arrived on see by jettisoning them into the vacuum of space. The FTL drives were nearly ready for a jump when they reached the edge of the proximity boundary. Taka's collar was beeping. When Octane Enforcers arrived on the scene, they found the wreckage of what had been Taka cradled in Onimani's arms. We believe this is when Onimani became Takakiko. She spent the rest of her free life with the group as Takakiko. Her mental state rapidly deteriorated into her now childish nature, perhaps in association with assuming her sister's persona, back when they were free and happy. Over time she picked up the skills that her sister had been good at, some members even speculate that the new Takakiko surpassed the old in the tinkering department, but each interviewee said she just replied with "Because she never had the chance." She also became an ace pilot, and due to the occasional volatile nature of her creations, became the team's demolitions expert. Most of her scars come from explosives that didn't work quite as she had intended, fortunately she's had all the shrapnel removed from her body. Her recent arrest was a series of events. We had been working with snitches within the Maximum Octane group who passed along information of another terror level attack. As you can see in the image I've provided in this dossier, we were unable to stop them. Takakiko rigged Sigma Station's power converter unit, fuel exchange, and a vegetable shop. We don't know the significance of the later, but the entire station went down in flames. However, a bug on their ship gained us the Intel of their base of operations. It would be another three weeks before we launched a large scale operation as infighting in the group escalated. While many members escaped, Maximum Octane has officially been declared disbanded. We found Takakiko locked naked into a storage chest. She was incoherent, probably in shock. Medical responders have difficulty removing her, as the container was not large and she had quite literally been folded in half to fit in it. She had to attend her court hearing as a video monitor as she was still scheduled for months of physical and mental rehabilitation. It was also discovered that she had suffered a broken leg and hip on the right side of her body, which obviously healed improperly inside that box. Final reports show she's in excellent physical health, but her mind is very unstable.[/color] [/hider] [color=seagreen][b]Personal Belongings:[/b][/color] Typically some sort of candy, a package of concentrated salt licks, cigarettes, a gold plated flip lighter with the insignia for the Maximum Octane group, A necklace holding a polished and detailed blackbird. [color=seagreen][b]Other:[/b][/color][indent] [color=seagreen][b]Likes:[/b][/color] Sweet Treats, Salty Foods, Sex, Dancing, Most Music, Spaceships, Driving Fast, Explosions, Being a princess, guns that sound like explosions, vandalism, and the color [color=seagreen]sea green[/color]. [color=seagreen][b]Dislikes:[/b][/color] Authority, cold feet, sour things, onions, the color [color=palevioletred]Puce[/color], having her hands restrained, losing people, and being treated like a child (Irony). [/indent] [color=seagreen][b]Theme song[/b]:[/color][color=mistyrose]In Loving Memory of Takakiko Moneaux[/color] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E7nQ5UjuOrQ[/youtube] [/hider]