Finding the kitchen as empty as she expected, Frisk wandered back into the living room and was faintly surprised to not find Sans on the couch. Eating, napping, or just watching television, the skeleton wasn't there. After grabbing the remote and switching the television off, she stole a glance up towards the balcony to peer at his bedroom door. Spotting the note on the door, she headed up the stairs and plucked it off. She read it. Then read it again. Were her eyes playing tricks on her..Or did Sans really write that he was going to be training? She had to read it again just to be sure. Honestly, she understood. With that glitchy version of Sans lurking just outside of their dimension, there was no time to waste. Preparations had to be made, even if it forced a lazy guy like Sans to train. While she was impressed and appreciative of the lengths Sans was going to go to keep everyone safe, it only cemented how dire the situation was in her mind. This was no playful joke. With that in mind, Frisk put the note back and went to grab the day's outfit. She chose a sweater that was a bit thicker than the others, knowing the day was going to be cold even by Snowdin's standards. She quickly showered and dressed, finishing her morning routine as usual. As she headed back downstairs, she threaded her fingers through her damp hair and contemplated what to do. She could lounge around the house until the brothers got home...Or she could go find Sans. If he was out training, then so should she. He couldn't fight this new threat alone. She was out of practice, had very little strength and defense, and that made her vulnerable. She nodded to herself and looked up. The house seemed so empty with just her there. Suddenly, Frisk understood why Sans always left the television on, why he always needed noise in the house. Because the silence was heavy and lonely, and it had taken the young woman that much time to realize that. She sighed and turned the TV back on. Frisk didn't know where Sans was training. He had to be deep in the forest, far enough so no one could see or cross the line of fire. Part of her didn't want to disturb him, but if she didn't she feared he'd never consider letting her train with him. If she asked at home, he might just blow her off and teleport. No, she had learned several times over that the key to getting what she wanted from Sans was by giving him no other choice. This time, she was going to use that discovery for a far better reason. So, she simply walked in the nearest direction. Her search would have been so blind and futile, she would have completely missed him...If she hadn't seen the wisps of blue magic in the distance. It bounced off the snow and shone bright, flickering before burning out. Sometimes, it amazed her how easily she could find Sans. Was it coincidence, or was there a sense left from their long history together? Either way, she had found his magic. She smiled and rushed towards it, remaining alert for any stray bone attack. By the time she got to his position, he was already done. She saw him laying in the snow, appearing to be worn out. She wasn't sure how long it had been, but he must have worked incredibly hard. Again, she debated with herself on whether to disturb him or not. But her determination soared, and she started to make her way over to him. Her shoes crunched heavily in the snow, making her presence well known. "You know, Sans...I was thinking. We should train together."