As Scott watched Sara eat her desert he could that she was enjoying it.[I] Note to self Strawberry Chocolate Cheesecake is a good call with Sara. [/I] Scott smiled at her remark about the weight and he replied, "I'd be right there with you Dr. Bosworth on the whole weight gain, but your appearance, which I gotta admit is very lovely, isn't all that you are...Sara. You're very intelligent and very charming but most of all self-confidence is a very good quality on you." When it came time for the bill he looked at the waitress and said, "You might wanna come back in a few minutes..." he looked at Sara and smiled and said, "Bring a bag of ice." He smiled at her and said, "No matter what else happens at work I get the job you get the job whatever; I'm glad that I came here tonight, and I promise I will...." he rolled his eyes and shook his head and then looked back at Sara and said, "I will try not to be such a jerk to you from now on. You're a valued colleague and you're a good person Sara. You deserve to be treated as such and I'm sorry for the times that I treated you as less than that." Scott took her hand and said, "Now in terms of the bill I've got enough sense to know when I'm about to be hustled. There is way more to you than meets the eye Sara, but all that being said I gotta know and I can't say no even if I wanted to." He leaned in looked her in the eye and said, "Say when."