Ok changing my concept. Now I'm building a City-State at the foot of the Godsfang Mountains, on the border between the Erg and the Rainlands. Here's a brief summary: [hider=The Bickering City] Faction Name: The City of Lugal Alias: The City of Bickering, [s]The Erudite Tower[/s] , Zuag-Si [i]Rising from the low hills footing the ominous Godsfang Mountains and the scabrous wasteland Erg is the fortified merchant city Lugal, once a Cairn-Tower for long-dead Salished Rulers. From the lower quarters that house the sepulchers and tombs of long dead royalty, to the prospering merchant & mercenary quarters above, the city of Lugal has a multitude of conflicting populations, cultures, races and beings. The cities Masters, a trio of .. . The city reaches into the sweltering sky, a tower of strange cyclopean architecture and improbable geometry, with cruel, pointed spires and thick tangles of barberous wire at its feet. The cities only gate is carved in the likeness of Zuag-Si, one of dozens of Warrior-Death dieties of the ancient Salished Empire, his black stone fangs threaten to gnash down at any who cross the threshold. The lowest quarters of the city are walled with rough-hewn black stone, pulled from quarries along the Godsfang Mountains centuries ago. Some are carved with glyphs and runes of protection, the secret to activating long since lost... The ancient, blood stained stone walkways of the terrestrial quarter are a labyrinthine complex of guarded tombs, graves and temples devoted to Salished Royalty. Many of these tombs were robbed centuries ago, but a few lay untouched, guarded by horrors even Lugal's masters fear. In the narrow corridors of the Slain Quarter a turf war has broken out between a particularly voracious Gobbler known as Stain and Abmen from.. . [/i] [/hider]