[center][h3]Jedi Master Greggory Wick[/h3][/center] [color=9e0b0f]"It will be done Master Trebor.[/color]" Greggory said as he began to walk away from his old mentor. Now walking towards the hangers of the Jedi Temple Greggory thought to himself. The Council Member Coleman Trebor had just informed the relatively young Master Wick that he, along with his padawan and another Master would be investigating the most recent in a series of curious occurrences, strange sensor readings and similar, with the one to be investigated being a mere few parsecs from Coruscant itself. Considering the recent murkiness within the force, perhaps some clues could be found, if anything was even there Greggory thought as he grew closer to one of the larger hangers in the temple. The Jedi Council would have sent world for the other master coming along, but since Wick wasn't so certain his apprentice would be Greggory pulled from his belt a personal communicator, using it to make a quick message to padawan Tipolan, [color=9e0b0f]"We've a mission, best get to it. Meet me in the Hanger, the one my ship is kept in."[/color] Greggory said, not even bothering to see if his apprentice was able to respond. Stepping into the hanger the Jedi Master looked over the various ships assembled. The council would supply the use of a Consular cruiser, though since it was without weapons Greggory decided he would be piloting his own Delta-7 Starfighter in case whatever was at the destination, if anything, was dangerous. Stepping towards the sleek white Starfighter Greggory called his own a red astromech chirped in an almost solemn fashion, [color=9e0b0f]"Yes yes R3, we'll be going soon. And we won't be dying this time either."[/color] The jedi assured his droid. R3-G5 made a low whirling sound from within itself as Greggory checked over the ship's exterior, assuring that the ship was primed and ready for the mission at hand while remaining certain that the republic pilots upon the cruiser would be doing the same. Any moment the other two jedi would arrive, at least twas Greggory's hope, he wanted to discus the mission will somebody and R3 was poor conversation.