[@CreedTheChimera] [color=#FBC723]"Odd."[/color] He turned to walk around the T-Rex, ignoring its question. He didn't really care that there was what appeared to be a T-Rex there. He had admired the supposed King of Lizards, until around the age of 7 where he realised there were far bigger, more dangerous dinosaurs that the T-Rex and its puny forearms couldn't possibly match. He wasn't interested in it at all. It did seem out of the ordinary, but what he could do was out of the ordinary, so he had become somewhat desensitised towards what was once impossible. Now it had become improbable. But that wasn't what he was saying 'Odd' about it. What he thought was odd was the lack of electrical current running through it at all. Thus, he surmised, it had to be a somehow animated carcass of sorts that seemed realistic or something... impossible. It couldn't be the real thing - T-Rex's undoubtedly required nerves to function, so there would at least be some form of electricity running through it. It couldn't be a machine - that would have to run off of electricity. The only logical conclusion was the man he'd just met. He probably had angered him, due to the electric shock. Dustin felt he had no way of explaining the murderous intent he had felt near the man, so he returned to his violent persona. [color=#FBC723]"Jeremy, was it? [b]Was this you?[/b]"[/color]