[center][url=http://fontmeme.com/cursive-fonts/][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=Rae&name=Signerica_Thin.ttf&size=60&style_color=DBA0DB[/img][/url] [img]http://i.imgur.com/ylhCrQM.jpg?1[/img] [hr][hr][/center] Consciousness trickled back to Rae like drops of water from a half-closed faucet. And then all at once she was alert. She jolted in her pod, eyes darting, trying to take in and process everything. Her fellow delinquents were in similar pods, all in varying states of confusion and panic. A familiar voice rang through her ears - J. He sounded… different somehow. Then he sounded frantic. Rae had been on enough trips with her stuck-up parents to recognize the atmosphere re-entry for what it was – and how it wasn't going the way it was supposed to. The urgency in J's voice rang in time with the pounding of Rae's blood in her ears. She squeezed her eyes shut as the pressure increased its tight hold on her body, forcing her breath to come out in shallow puffs. Until finally they crashed into the planet's surface. Rae was still trying to collect herself and her tattered senses when the pod opened like breath. She glanced around at the others as she tried to remember how to move. A shaky foot lifted. Pushed forward. Met the floor of the ship. Then the other. Rae stood in the ship with the others, trying to make sense of everything. Then the door opened. Light poured into the hull like wine into a cup, intoxicating with its warmth. Rae pushed forward towards it, trying to see what lay beyond the door. [color=plum]"Whoa,"[/color] she breathed out. It was a world, but unlike any she'd seen before. Wild and overgrown with every shade of green and brown, with visible insects crawling this way and that, it was an untamable vision, inviting and frightening. Her mouth was open slightly, a look of pure awe in her eyes. The sky above was as infinite as the view from a shuttle, but so much more [i]blue[/i], solid looking as though she could reach up and hold it in her hand. The air was thicker than she was used to, heavy and filling as she breathed it in. Rae stretched a leg out. Burnished metal glinted between her prison boots and the thin material of her pants. She took one step out. Then another. A delighted smile lit up her face and she took another testing step. A laugh bubbled up in her chest, spilling out of her lips. Rae turned back to look at her fellow inmates. [color=plum]"Well? You coming out or what?"[/color]