[@Heat] I wanted a challenge this time around. I've never played a character like this before so, I'll do my best ^_^ Edit: Fuck I forgot a section. I just added her weapons and stuff. [hider=Taka's Weapons of Choice (and a backpack!)] [color=seagreen][b]Weapons of Choice:[/b][/color][list] [*][url=http://imgur.com/TN1rlA6]Law Breaker[/url]: Taka's sidearm, it shoots high velocity bullets and holds eight rounds. It's a slow shot however, and works better at punching through armor.[list] [*][color=seagreen]"Are [i]Law[/i] ready for this?!"[/color][/list] [*][url=http://imgur.com/5vcjCKP]Honey Badger[/url]: Her main weapon, Taka usually uses this with it's ironsights (optional reflex sights, or 2x Medium Range Scope). She also uses a foregrip and fancies the standard mags (16 shell capacitity). Outside close quarters combat, she uses slug rounds in conjunction with her other sights.[list][*][color=seagreen]"Honey Badger don't give a shit!"[/color][/list] [*][url=http://i.imgur.com/CwbjfbC.jpg]Rolly Poley Grenades:[/url] Takakiko's own personal invention, The Rolly Poley Grenades come in a wide variatey of flavors. They have the ability to be magnetically attatched to metal surfaces and have a timed detonation feature up to 30 seconds. They vary between high explosive, electro-magnetic pulse, smoke, flash concussive, and slag. The latter is primarily for melting armor and metal. They are also colored respectively; HE is red, EMP is blue, Smoke is Gray, Flash Conussive is Yellow, and Slag is Orange. She usually carries a few HE and FC on her belt, with backups in her pack.[list][*][color=seagreen]"Bada-bing Bada-boom, Miss World-wide when I walk in the room!"[/color][/list] [*][url=http://imgur.com/vZ1037K]Pow-Pow Charges:[/url] Yet another of her design, these are the most powerful item in her arsenal. A thermite-incendiary explosive charge, it has the power to take down just about anything but the more protected targets. The blast it emits creates an extremely high temperature inferno. She used three of these to take down the Sigma Space Station. The draw-back is they take a good minute to setup, it can't be transported ready to go because of it's highly volatile nature. If she's rushed, she can set it up in about five minutes.[list][*][color=seagreen]"Mother of god.. it's.. it's so beautiful.."[/color][/list] [*][url=http://i.imgur.com/OddZSQd.jpg]Alloy Reinforced Backpack:[/url] Not exactly a weapon, but it another of her invention. An alloy reinforced backpack resistant to exterior trauma such as bullets and explosions, a faraday cage woven with alloy fibers disrupts electricity protecting her electronics, it's waterproof, and best of all; It's hella stylish.[list][*][color=seagreen]"Man I look fricking awesome."[/color][/list][/list] [/hider] Nother Question: The shuttle image has two different shuttles, which one are you referencing? [hider=Here's a header for you] I can switch the shuttles, or add the other one, or whatever, just say the word. [img]http://i.imgur.com/7TNOrEe.png[/img] [/hider]