[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmIyMjliMy5RMjlrZVEsLC4wAAAA/big-quicksand.regular.png[/img][hr][hr][img]http://primetime.unrealitytv.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/lucien-laviscount-460x258.jpg[/img][hr][hr][/center] The whole thing was a blur. From the moment the breakout began, it was a cacophony of movement and sounds. Cody had moved on mostly instinct alone and by the time he reached the ship, his heart was pounding. It was exhilarating. Almost fun. Or it would have been, were he not afraid he would die any moment. There were other people running to the ship too. Some he recognized and some he didn't. They all slipped into their pods and Cody followed suit. Only then did he start to calm down and think about what had actually happened. What was [i]still[/i] happening. He almost started to panic but remembered the breathing exercises his father had taught him earlier in life. That helped calm him until the sleep came. When he awoke, he was confused and disoriented, much like everyone else. He slammed a hand into the glass on the pod but immediately realized what a bad idea that was. So instead he focussed on figuring out how to get out of this thing. He didn't have a chance though as all hell broke loose again and he was grateful that he hadn't escaped the pod when he realized the ship was crashing. It provided some form of safety, although he did smash his head on the top and he was sure a goose egg would form there soon enough. He squeezed his eyes shut and held his head as whatever was happening outside happened. There was a ringing in his ears that blocked out all of the other sounds around him. When it finally stopped, he realized that he had stopped too. Whatever was happening was over and the pod started to open. Cody practically fell out onto the floor but immediately scrambled to his feet. When he looked around, he noticed the others emerging too and was relieved to see them alive. When the doors began to open, Cody was one of the first there to see what was happening. What he saw was jaw dropping. There was an entire world on the other side of those doors. A green world. He had always heard stories of worlds like this. Worlds not made of rock and metal. He didn't really believe it until he saw it with his own eyes. As he stared in wonder, he started to gently laugh in sheer astonishment. There was so much to see and he wanted to see it all. He followed a girl out onto the grass and stared down at it, noticing a line of insects pass by in front of him. He was so busy watching them that he didn't notice the older man approach. He jumped slightly when he heard his voice but didn't respond to his question. Cody honestly didn't have the faintest idea what was happening.