[i][u][center][h3][color=c4df9b]~Darrel Black~[/color][/h3][/center][/u][/i] [center][img] http://i.imgur.com/Y7nLjkM.png [/img][/center] [hr] [color=c4df9b]“The scheming puppeteer shies away from conflict? That’s a first,”[/color] Darrel said evenly, finding a nice wall to rest his back against. The young Song Knights below them would not go unassisted. Each one would notice a personal flock of crows summoned forth to fight against the Dissonances. While that battle raged on, a sense of calmness would fall over the two saged Song Knights. [color=c4df9b]“As treacherous as always Emilia. Lucky for you I’m not one to stick my neck out for either the Empire or any Kingdom for that matter. Be grateful my crows aren’t hungry for a poisonous serpent such as yourself,”[/color] Darrel said dryly. As for his intervention, well he’d rather not see children die too easily. He had seen enough of that in his own youth as a beginning Song Knight. Still, it was plain to see Emilia had something planned and something to gain from all of this chaos. Whatever that may be would have to be investigated further later when people weren’t dying. And they would be dying quickly because the same haughty voice that many of them would recognize boomed all around the coliseum. Grunting, Darrel sent a single crow to investigate the mysterious girl’s location, keeping watch from up high, noting her engagement with one of the Song Knights. But as these confrontations were centered on a single focal point, those steeped in darkness were using this opportunity to make their move. For further away from the coliseum stood a mighty [url=http://img12.deviantart.net/3887/i/2013/005/4/d/the_dead_cathedral_by_metadragonart-d5qjp2a.jpg]cathedral[/url] whose daily mass was eerily quiet, as if ignoring the sounds of those who perished and those who fought with blade and song. A look inside would reveal the cause of the silence, all of those who had chosen to attend praise to their god on this day scattered about like the corpses they were. Blood stained the painted windows up high and the single click clack of boots revealed their [url=https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-4v_A_SQWK3M/Vvq7C9sVWFI/AAAAAAABKBk/FH4knLP4lAUb9OXDSSpLYJpWpkqONR1Yw/w1599-h2048/Flexable.jpg]murderer[/url] in full gory. As if by chance or some cosmic irony, the sunlight up high would shine down onto the lone woman. With it revealed the many patches of deep red running down her attire with some even dripping down the side of her cheek. Through it all, a smile and a soundless hum bled through with the bounce in the woman’s step. All over, city officials were already being notified of the break in… [hr] [center][@McFazzer], [@KoL], [@Pikmin Eye], [@Rune_Alchemist], [@The Irish Tree], [@RiverMaiden], [@Lonewolf685], [@Eklispe].[/center]