[h2][center][color=39b54a]Randar Xenil[/color][/center][/h2] Why must things always go wrong? The situation was finally being contained by the sheer numbers of Song Knights in the area. Yet they just kept raining down from the sky like a hurricane. You could crush, maim, or even kill one and three more were still replacing them. Not much to complain about, the first wave was finally being brought under control. Randar could finally lower his weapon, all the constant songs to reload were getting to him. There was finally a silver lining in the moment. That was when it just got worse, the princess appealed for Song Knights to help guard the Imperial Cathedral. Guess this attack spanned further than Randar first thought. Just when he was considering helping them out, a 15 meter tall dragon Dissonance was falling from the sky. This was a big problem, and he could probably handle it. The icing on the cake was the familiar voice again. [color=ed1c24]"Hi there, Beansprout~ Did you want to talk to me, earlier?"[/color] Did she just... Oh, it's on now. With a loud voice, he yelled out to the princess. [color=39b54a]"I got the large Dissonance handled! The small shrimp still owes a chat."[/color] He quickly ordered Cothyl, [color=39b54a]"Make sure the big one keeps his eyes on you, I'll keep the girl distracted."[/color] With that he took aim, a few shots should force her to fall a certain way or take a few hits. He fired six shots, steadily aiming to hit her in as many vital spots as possible, he doubted they would actually hit. With this much confidence, she probably had a back up plan. Another sigh as he had to swap to his piccolo to play another tune to charge his gun. Cothyl was already causing some property damage, at least he didn't harm any civilians. Standing at 17 feet tall, he was gonna be tiny compared to the Dissonance. It didn't matter, if he let that stop him, there would be far more hurt. He wasn't able to help last time, now was his chance to make a difference. Cothyl gave a loud roar, big and obvious. To start, all he had to do was make sure it focused only on him. First step was to trip it and render it immobile, then make sure it doesn't get back up. Well, all while avoiding what looked to be acid coming from it's massive maw. Not like his job is ever easy, or thought through by Randar. It was happening all around them. Dissonances falling from the sky, and now, a flock of crows were appearing. Looks like Randar caught a break, now they can focus on the big guy, without worrying about leaving the civilians helpless. He yelled thanks to no one in particular, he didn't know who did it. Randar and Cothyl were focused on what they do best, being large and in charge. He yelled to the mysterious girl, [color=39b54a]"I don't care how large you make my opponent! I will bring you all down!"[/color]