[h2][center][u]Nikolai Arkaden[/u][/center][/h2] [center] Auditorium [/center] Nikolai chuckled as Irina pushed him back and watched as others flooded in. So many people, some looked like they could give him trouble. But some had more control over their abilities, but he was happy to go against them even without control of his. He knew he was probably the most experienced fighter here. Nikolai heard Arthur speak, Nikolai liked Arthur. He got up early and seemed good enough. Arthur said something about the group session. Nikolai smiled and balled his hands into fists. [i]"Fuck presentations, Fuck quiditch, I want start fighting!"[/i] Nikolai though to himself, [i]"Has been too long since last one..."[/i] Nikolai stopped himself, he knew Irina could hear him. He looked at her, and scratched the side of his head. But his attention was taken off of her, he heard a large announcement of presence. Nikolai's eyes darted to the flamboyant young man named Uriel. The guy was agitating to someone like Nikolai, someone so loud to Nikolai seemed to have something off about them. Nikolai started down his target, but his animal like stare could easily have been noticed if anyone were looking. The guy suggested that Irina asked to be drugged up. Nikolai was liking him less and less by the second. But before Nikolai could make a rude comment the young Russian girl he'd insulted on the first day here walked into the room, Stasya. Nikolai watched her carefully. Not that he cared too much but to upset the only other person who spoke your language didnt help. "Доброе утро," Nikolai said to the girl. (Good Morning)