The flash of the man's mask confused her for a moment, realization dawning as words appeared on his mask. [color=f49ac2]"Ah, sorry. I assume that a lot of people speak German, but it's almost starting to become like America."[/color] A light blush erupted over her face as she stared at the mask, mesmerized by the technology. She read the rest of whatever he had put in, the amount of question marks bothering her, but she chose not to complain. [color=f49ac2]"Uh, right. It's sort of a long story, but I'll save the details for another time, if of course you choose to stay and help,"[/color] she paused and let out a sigh, [color=f49ac2]"the police are [i]pigs[/i] who won't do anything. It's been years and they haven't caught this psychopath, and I just want justice served. A close friend of mine was a victim, and um, for your last question.. I may not have anything yet. I honestly don't really [i]know[/i] where to start."[/color] Gaela glanced around the bar, wondering why the urgency. [color=f49ac2]"Is there a problem?"[/color] She asked, leaning closer to the table.