[hider=Max] [center][Hider=Appearance][img]http://i.neoseeker.com/mgv/576917/917/105/49580720100210173044_display.jpg[/img] He wears black slacks and combat boots. He also has a tail.[/Hider][/center] Name: Maximilian “Max” [Sanders] (Just for formality) Age: 18 Pokémon: Umbreon Typing: Dark-type About: Max was abandoned as a child, he didn't know if his parents left him intentionally or if something happened to them, but he honestly doesn't care anymore. However, he was picked up by Lilac's parents after finding him alone and crying when he was just a baby. So he grew up with his best friend, Lilac. His life has been normal since then. They even encouraged him to enroll into the school with Lilac and so he did. He kept in mind that he after school, he would get a good job and pay them back for everything they’ve done to him. Even though he was raised by the family, he never agreed to take on their family name. While they think that he’s just being shy, he just really doesn’t like the idea of seeing Lilac as a sister. He also made it his job to help his best friend while they’re in school. Traits: +Helpful - While he doesn’t actively socialize with people, he does entertain questions and helps people out. He sometimes takes initiative and helps people who looks like they need it. Although he hates it when people take advantage of his kindness at times. He’s able to say ‘no’ to someone of course. +Keeper of Promises - He doesn’t go back on his word. Once he promises something, he sees it to the end. Although he doesn’t give out his promises like it’s nothing of course. But if the promise he thought was innocent but isn’t, he will abandon it. After all, he still has some remnants of morality. +Logical - Most of his actions usually have some kind of logical reasoning behind it. Although most people don’t really understand what kind of logic he uses since he never bothers to actually talk about it. = Bookworm - If anything, he loves reading books about anything, fiction or non-fiction. He usually accompanies it with listening to random music even if it doesn’t even match the book he’s reading. -Short Attention Span - Sure, he’ll listen to you but don’t expect him to listen closely ‘till the end. While he can and will remember what you said, he’ll most likely be doing something else by then, like reading or admiring something around him or even spacing out. -Lazy - He is seen most of the time lazing around. He only does something because of his moral code when it comes to helping but he prefers to do nothing but read or sleep. It’s also part of the reason why doing something tedious usually doesn’t sit well with him and there is a high chance that he’ll ditch it if there are no dire consequences. -Expressionless- While it is an exaggeration, it’s just hard to elicit a reaction from him that is extreme. He can frown, smile and laugh but to make him laugh so hard that he can’t breathe, to grin so much that it would hurt his mouth, those are the things that are hard for him to actually do. It’s been Lilac’s dream to at least make him scream in fear. [/hider] [hider=Lilac] [center][Hider=Appearance][img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/64/22/16/642216512a6dffdc3647ae9ae46aadda.jpg[/img][/Hider][/center] Name: Lilac Hoover Age: 18 Pokémon: Espeon Typing: Psychic-Type About: Lilac was actually born from two Espeon Gijinkas and she was first born too. She thought that she’d get more siblings, she instead got a best friend who lives with her. While it wasn’t what she originally wanted, it was good enough she guessed. There was nothing special that happened after that except for the fact that she gained a lot of friends. Although she’s having a little trouble with her precognitive powers, it’s a little stronger than normal and while she can will to see the future, there are times where it just strikes. She usually drops down unconscious from time to time because of it and in some cases, she doesn’t exactly remember the full details of it. While she came to the school because of her parents but she also wants to seek counsel with the head teachers there and see if she can control it. Traits: +Energetic - No one exactly knows where Lilac gets her energy from but she never seems to run out of it. Well, that’s not exactly true. But it’s either she has limitless amount of energy or she doesn’t and passes out. There’s no middle ground for her. +Optimistic - Lilac is probably the most hardcore optimist you’ll ever see in your life. It’s like she doesn’t have any negative thoughts at all. Even after seeing something she doesn’t like in her premonitions, she still somehow has a positive outlook. +”Responsibility” - She tries to prevent minor disasters from happening when she can do something about it. Preventing someone’s injury, even death if it comes to that. She feels like it’s her responsibility to do so. = Connection - Lilac has a very deep connection with her friends, even more so her best friends. It’s one of the reasons why she’s always seen with Max. However, this connection can be dangerous to the closest person to her heart. Because she doesn’t have full control over her psychic powers, some of her negative emotions are shared with the person and that includes nightmares as well. -Late Waker - The only way to wake her up earlier than she usually does is threatening her collection of masks. Because she uses up all of her energy for the day, she tends to sleep more than the usual person. It’s usually up to Max to wake her up if she’s getting late for something important like school. -Secretive - She is friendly, no doubt, and she is optimistic… but that’s exactly what she wants others to think. She keeps her negative thoughts inside so that she wouldn’t cause worry to others. While it isn’t proven, it is believed that it is connected to her constant nightmares. -Emotionally Unstable - She is an emotional person and so seeing someone’s death weighs down upon her very much. And if she tries to save them and fails? Well, she feels like her heart’s about to break. Her only saving grace is the presence of her closest friends (or for now, Max) that she’s able to still keep up such a well-worn mask. [/hider]