[h2]Sacha Fedyaev[/h2] [@Hawlin] The feline fingers making quick work of dirt within the beer glass caught attention of the ever-so feminine Luciel standing behind the bar. The lynx hung the pitch on the ceiling with a malcontent lip as he heard; "Jeez, Sir. Vehn vill vee get zeht pile ouf junk fixed?" Had the stand wasn't affixed to the ground, he would've entered a feline rage and flipped it. However, he was the face of neutrality. "Working on it, madame. There's patience to be had when you rely on others to do the work." He eyed Luciel-- the feral instinct caught a glass pitch that fell from the ceiling. "Goddamn rusty hooks. 'ere, loosen up a bit-- on the house." He tossed the 'lady' the same pitch now filled with liquor. "Being drunk on the job isn't an offense. At least in my grounds" He reminded him with a rough chuckle. [@FallenTrinity] Ring, ring! The sharpened old phone sparked the lynx's interest, moving away from his station towards an empty table shrouded with shadows. "The Hole's marshal speaking." Silence ensued, filled by the murmurs and static from the phone's end. A male voice. "He's your friend?" It was followed by a sharp tone of disagreement. "Then he's... 'the Exhibit'?" This time it was followed by a stuttering agreement. "Alright, but no 'Parade' while he's in my premises, got it?" "Oh by the way did you get the TV fi--" He slammed the line shut as he returned back to his post back by the bar with an irritated grin-- and greeted by another acquaintance. [@Kafka Komedy] "So, Tall grey and creepy, anything for me to sleuth or kill today?" He attempted to disposition his vexed perplexion but perhaps the matter was just too damn problematic for him as a wry smile followed through. "Just give us a few minutes." And the door bursts with a rat attempting to hold itself together-- his liquids dirtying the dusty floor and fell over by the entrance, kicking up dust. [@FallenTrinity] "S-S-Somebody help me!" He cried aloud. Sacha immediately recognised the vermin to be Kitzner. Whom he he piss off now to get hunted down by John? "So-Some black wolf is fucking trying to kill me! You gotta help me! I'll pay you. double... No no triple what you usually ask for!" He crashed and dirtied the bar now, with his blood. With the combined effort of the television and now this guy-- He was not on the good side of anything. He kept his composure, but his sights clearly vicious and bloodthirstily feral he spoke. "Afraid business is business. [i]Nothing personal[/i]." He signaled for the waitresses to begin cleaning the bloody mess whilst the rat continued to speak his mind and situation. The lynx only leered him frustration. "Where [i]the fuck[/i] is John?" Sure enough, the devil is summoned. "Oh no...T-That's him! THAT"S THE GUY! Please no...no nononononono NO"" The same stare found its way to John's as his gun was raised... Breaking only after it was holstered in front of him. Silence. "Ya know it's very rude to hang up on someone when they're in the middle of talking. I personally think you get a kick out of irritating me." The wolf did what some would consider equivalent to a 'chuckle'. He signaled for his usual drink and Sacha turned his back to do so. "Maybe its something about the television that people keeps beating me about." He said sarcastically, tossing a few lip of bottles into a spirit glass while taking a sip direct from the bottle itself to lighten his own mood. Then a glass of water. "'Ere ya go." He planted the two glasses firmly on the bar. "Don't mind if I do, right?" He lifts the glass of whiskey and ginger beer and stopped as it reached his lips. "I'm joking." He placed the glass down and look at the crowd that was looking directly at them. Sacha waved his hands-- and the crowd returned to their usual business and so did John. The waitresses now conveniently blocks the view of John beating Kitzner as they cleaned up the blood around the bar and floor. Sacha stood and watched the Rat being questioned like the vermin he was. "Oh Sacha. By the way. The first job is complete and the information is here in this paper. The second one is voided, found out the dumbass opened his mouth at the Ant-Elope. You know that gentleman's club down the street? Yeah. There. But the third one is--" "Wait I'm your third job?" Sacha was surprised that Kitzner actually cared that he wasn't the first in any list. His dignity to be number one was still intact after all. He took the files and looked at Maxxy who had been there this entire time and opened the file to have a quick read. [@Kafka Komedy] "Right..." He handed the files over to Maxxy. "Someone's tryna smuggle something into the dome. Weapons it seems and maybe some supplies. Find more information on what's involved and consider your rent paid for the next 3 months with payment." (You are free to make this event as broad as possible and as you see fit. Recommended to take a few other players with you if applicable). He waited until John was done with the ladies. "Hope the day's been well for you. Don't ask about the telly." He turned around and concocted a knockout brew for Kitzner and handed it over to him. "This'll make you feel better." ([@FallenTrinity]) As soon as Kitzner is out cold, Sacha would leave his station to drag the filth outside of the grounds for John to take care of. Rule no. 5, don't dirty the bar. "Oh and, while you're out, deliver these to him for me." He gestured Maxxy to John. It was an envelope with noted crowns inside.