Loud Love ventured forth, quite happy to once again breathe fresh air instead of sharing the same filthy space with like a dozen other people, and looked around whilst stretching in horribly unsightly ways - his companions and brothers-in-arms probably didn't knew that humans could even bend that way. LL remembered the advice about keeping a low profile that Presence gave and decided to try and blend in - so now he took great care to NOT instinctively teleport everywhere and walked around in red track pants, though still naked above the waist and barefoot - chillness of the environment hardly bothered him. At very least he tried his best. [color=ed1c24]"Yeah-yeah Sharkboy, we got it,"[/color] He spoke softly whilst jumping in place to get the blood flowing through his limbs once again. [color=ed1c24]"You eat people, good. Shut up about it. Tell us a sad story about your childhood instead or something."[/color]