[quote]We still accept newcomers.[/quote] Whoops, didn't see this little tidbit above. That's embarrassing, but ehhhh life of a newbie. Allow me to throw a character sheet into the mix, my very first on the site. Yay! [hider=Wichita Lineman][b]Name:[/b] Rachel Wichita Lineman [b]Age:[/b] 20 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] A small-framed young woman of Scottish descent, Rachel is unassuming, relatively short and mediocre in terms of beauty. She has long and wavy brown hair and eyes of pretty much the exact same color. There are little to no distinguishable marks on her body. No tattoos, scars or freckles, for example. Rachel dresses casually most of the time, never having to wear anything fancy in her experience. Simple shirts and sweaters coupled with a pair of secondhand leggings are her go-to outfit. It is worth mentioning that most of her clothes are stolen from thrift shops. [hider=Visual Representation][img]http://img07.deviantart.net/3666/i/2014/091/8/5/the_hunter_by_salzburger89-d7chg7q.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Backstory:[/b] Rachel was born in Wichita, Kansas and it was her birthplace that earned her the middle name that she's so ashamed of these days. Her parents were middle-class average Joe's and the family got by rather comfortably without much luxuries. Tragedy struck when she reached the age of 16, however. Upon driving home from having dinner at Rachel's favorite restaurant, they were suddenly blinded by a great flash of light, causing them to lose control of the car and crash headlong into a truck coming the other way. Rachel was fortunate enough to survive the crash with minimal injuries. Her parents had not. Now orphaned and with a lack of immediate relatives, she was left in the care of a local orphanage. Her time in the orphanage was, for lack of a better word, lonely. Rachel found few friends in her fellow orphans; on the contrary, she was practically an outcast, being called 'creepy', a 'freak' and 'possessed by a demon'. Wait, what? A demon? Yes, during these arduous times, Rachel had materialized a Stand, but her teenage mind didn't know the concept of a Stand, let alone her non-Stand user peers. Fearing that this demon of hers would bring her and others more calamity, she ran away from the orphanage after stealing $500 from the supervisors. The world wasn't kind to poor old Rachel. She had to get by living in abandoned spaces and doing oddjobs, becoming a wandering hermit. But as a plus side, she was given plenty of time to get used to her demon. An encounter with someone possessing the same powers helped in that. She learned that what she had was called a Stand and it was pretty much her soul given form. Life didn't really change for Rachel upon the revelation. She now had self-defense, but that was about it. A few more years she spent hopping from town to town until one day, she happened into Angel Springs. For some reason, she felt as if she was meant to be here. [b]Likes:[/b] Southern-style food, sunsets, peace and quiet, dogs, street art, tall dark handsome men [b]Dislikes:[/b] Her middle name, cigarette smoke, the police, being scared, being pressured [b]Powers:[/b] Wichita possesses a Stand, which manifested itself when she was 16 years old. However, she would only be aware that it was a Stand and actually started to master it 2 years later. [b]Stand Name:[/b] 「SHINEE」 [b]Stand Appearance:[/b] SHINee is a lean, androgynous, humanoid Stand, resembling a fighter plane pilot. Its body is mainly chrome-blue with black racing streaks across its arms. This Stand tends to stick close to Rachel, protecting her with its abilities. [b]Stand Type:[/b] Long-Distance [b]Destructive Power:[/b] C [b]Speed:[/b] A [b]Range:[/b] B [b]Durability:[/b] D [b]Precision:[/b] B [b]Development Potential:[/b] C [b]In-Depth Abilities:[/b] SHINee's powers are based upon light. It can produce blinding flashes of light in short pulses with 1 second intervals OR a constant emittance for up to 10 seconds, produce minute beams capable of mildly scarring flesh (but still fatal to the eyes) and even travel to a position at at an unknown speed at least leagues more than the speed of sound. While traveling at 'probably light speed' (referred by Rachel as PLS), it is also able to take Rachel with it to blink short distances or cover huge distances in a matter of seconds. This possibly making her the fastest woman in the universe. However, even if she can move at these speeds, she lacks the reflexes and focus for it; constant high-speed dashing makes her incredibly nauseous. SHINee is semi-autonomous. It can act outside its user's will to preserve their shared existence, but even it can only do so much. In terms of physical strength, SHINee's isn't one to write home about, nothing dramatically different from the average human's punching power and is pathetically frail (just like its owner). But how would you like a hundred punches coming at you at the speed of sound? [/hider]