[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=a187be]Tatiana Korvo[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/a6be154b9012b29acedfe708bb265de6/tumblr_nxdftwcaMj1r2igv7o2_250.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr][center][b]Location:[/b] [url=http://www.zillow.com/homedetails/515-Longview-St-Carrollton-GA-30117/69946228_zpid/]515 Longview Street[/url], Carrollton, Ga [/center][hr] Tatiana looked at Jack and perked a brow. Granted he had named the two most common and probably well known ballets ever created but at least he knew those two; if only by name. She had no idea if he actually knew the story or just the name because it was one of those things that seemed to be referenced in pop cultural a lot. Either way though, it didn't matter to her. It put her at ease a little bit and made her nod in his direction. Biting her bottom lip she reached into one of the ballet slippers and pulled out a folded up and worn magazine page she kept shoved into them. Unfolding it carefully she handed it out to him. It was from a local magazine in Vegas that had done on article on her before the opening of her last show, right before everything went to hell. [url=http://i.onionstatic.com/avclub/5647/05/16x9/960.jpg]Image,[/url] after [url=https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/38/f3/5d/38f35daa4dafb98f43348aab007d51b4.jpg]image[/url], after [url=https://starz.imgix.net/Originals/FleshAndBone/Season1/Photos/new/ORG7266-14-BC_1024x680_10.jpg]image[/url] showed anything but someone who was shy. She looked poised, confidant, and strong. Such a difference from the timid little bird that was sitting in front of him right then. [color=a187be]"Dance vas everything,"[/color] she said quietly as let out a longing breath, remembering how she used to feel on stage. Smiling slightly at the thought she looked down and shrugged a bit. [color=a187be]"Silly to keep I knov."[/color] Picking at the piece of squirrel meat he had given her she chewed it quietly, she was still so nervous and she was worried; her eyes darting to the windows and back door from time to time, hoping that Davi would show up at any minute. He didn't seem like a bad guy but she missed her friend and she didn't know the man. She contemplated asking him to leave but didn't. The sun was starting to set and he had saved her life. She felt she at least owed him enough not to send him out there alone right before nightfall. It was all but a death sentence these days. The house was big enough, she could lock herself away in an bedroom upstairs to be safe when she went to bed and demand that he stayed down stairs on the couch. Granted it wasn't like she could make him stay there and no do anything, she wasn't exactly the fighting type but she hoped with how he was acting and from what little he had told her of himself that he wouldn't try anything. She didn't think he would and she had gotten pretty good at reading people over the years, but there were some out there that were good at covering what type of monsters they really were underneath it all.