[quote=@Aristo] [@TheRedViper] What are your people like, ethnically and culturally? I'm heavily considering moving up north, past the Sea of Glass, eastward of you. [/quote] For the most part they're secretive and keep to themselves, or at least have done so far. They're pretty much all Beastkin or Human, and they worship the Red Gods. It's a Theocratic Dictatorship, in which the previous leader chooses his successor, and their leader is regarded as a Prophet of the Red Gods. Currently their leader is Amarith the Pure, and it wouldn't be harsh to say he's had a big ol' smack with the madness stick, yet believes his cause is completely righteous. So I suppose in summary its a primitive group of demon-worshipping religious fanatics, who sacrifice each other on a regular basis and want to destroy anyone and anything that doesn't hold their beliefs... if you move up next to me, good luck :lol Obviously all of this is subject to change, dependent on new information or anything that the players want to change.