[url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3769999][i] - Joe -[/i][/url] Joe stepped out of the experimental jet wearing black lace boots, jeans, and high-collar trench coat that was flowing rather epically from the wind generated from the landing transport. He took off his sun glasses and glanced around lazily at the open field full of weeds and dry brush. [color=9370DB]"Here we are, founding country of the Illuminati and the Third Reich, of which were the first two symbols shown to us by the Presence during our meeting. Could by a coincidence, but unlikely knowing what we know of the Presence so far."[/color] Joe articulated, then put his sunglasses back on and turned to the group. [color=9370DB]"But that's not important right now, we have a Central Bank of Europe to make bankrupt. Anyone have the directions? As much as I wanted to pay attention to where we were going, I was busy seeing clouds as zoo animals and didn't have time."[/color] Whether that was actually what he was doing or not is a different story. Turning back to the field, Joe began to get slightly curious about what the Presence's plan actually was. Surely it didn't actually need all of them, the Presence could probably have just used one person in this group to rob the bank. There must be something else going on, whether a hidden enemy, or the Presence didn't tell them their true objective. Or both. All of which were equally likely. The Presence probably chose each individual based on the plan, not based the plan on each individual. But if that was the case, would that make it an immediate fail if even one person either messed up or revolted? That's a lot of trust put on [i]this[/i] group of all people.