[color=598527][h3][center]~Amelia & Nem~[/center][/h3][/color] One by one, her rapier dispatched the Dissonance's with ease. With the help of the other song knights in the area, it seemed as though things were going to end smoothly. A little too smoothly, actually. She was feeling a little disappointed these things were such an easy task to manage. As she killed the last one around her with her piercing the back of its skull, only one thought rang in her head. [i]Boring.[/i] She wanted a challenge. These small fry's barely even got her excited. Still, nothing much she could do here. If they were that weak, then so be it. It was better that way, after all. Less chances of some innocent person getting harmed. She was about to sheathe her blade and move on, since her work was done when things...escalated quite a bit. The girl who had summoned the undead, summoned quite a larger one. Plus, with the announcement that the cathedral was being attacked...something was going on here, more so than just random attack by a dissonance. She was going to engage the large one herself, but it seemed another beat her too it. A small...person who looked like he was barely a teenager. ...well, if he had a death wish she wouldn't stop him. Besides, the fact that someone would instigate the murder of peaceful churchgoers...well, that was not something she could abide by. As much as she would have liked to join the fray again here herself...she sheathed her sword and walked calmly over to where she could speak to the princess without shouting too much. Nem floated over from her napping spot, seeming to be glad the fighting was over with for now. The small Imp gave the princess a somewhat...suggestive grin as she leaned her head on Amelia's shoulder. [color=a187be]"Hey, you're the princess right? You're actually pretty cute. How about-owie~"[/color] She didn't get to finish that sentence before Amelia grabbed one of her ears, eliciting a small squee from the Spirit as she pulled it. [color=598527]"That is the princess, you will show her respect."[/color] Amelia didn't waste any more time than she could afford before bowing her head towards the princess. [color=598527]"I shall accompany you to the cathedral your highness."[/color]