[h3][center]Jedi Master Greggory Wick[/center][/h3] Everything was looking good. R5, or rather R5's head was hooked into the ship, the cannons were functional, the engines looked alright. Greggory was far from the best pilot or mechanic, but everything looked good. Everything was ready, assuming the handful of crew upon the cruiser were ready as well. Mulling over his sleek white and red ship Greggory suddenly felt wary. As if somebody was watching him. Perhaps even sneaking up on him, before the Jedi Master could respond though he felt a finger on his shoulder, and suddenly, "Boo!" Greggory flinched, but caught himself, and soon was laughing alongside the other Master, [color=9e0b0f]"Olu Bumdoa, It's been ages. Too long indeed..."[/color] Not even a full moment later a young Mikkian walked over, asking of their destination. [color=9e0b0f]"Ah, Master Bumboa may I introduce you to my padawan, Wrenu Tipolan."[/color] Greggory said, introducing his apprentice. [color=9e0b0f]"As for our mission, the Order has been picking up on strange anomalies, curious sensor readings and the like. One has just occurred a few parsecs from our current destination, and we're to be the lucky ones to find out what it is. While I and Master Bumboa take starfighters you Wrenu will be enjoying the luxury of that there cruiser."[/color] Master Wick said while waving his hand in the direction of the diplomatic vessel. [color=9e0b0f]"Any questions?"[/color]