[h1][center][color=0072bc]Kim Hansson[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] Lakeside cabin[/center] [center][b]Interactions:[/b] None [/center] [hr] Kim had quite quickly gotten bored being at the cabin. That and the sheer mess there was astounding to say the least. It had sapped her will to do anything. Downtrodden she wandered the few meters from the cabin to the lake and slowly made her way into the water. She waded out until the water was just below her holster and sighed deeply. [color=0072bc]"So much to do, so little time..."[/color] She looked over towards the other side and saw two teens sitting at the beach for a little while before they left. It seemed like they had an awkward conversation. [color=0072bc]"No matter..."[/color] Kim said quietly and walked back up to the cabin and took a shovel and started digging into the ground. She was slowly digging a large square in front of the cabin. One side stretched for far longer than the other side. It was just about two decimeters deep and a few centimeters wide. She kept digging and digging until finally finishing the square and opened up the boot of her car. She dragged out a large spool of black tubing and placed one end at one of the corners to the [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVyDovLA2vw]cabin[/url] before slowly backing the entire square, placing the cable in the ground. Then she proceeded to cover up the square with the dirt. Eventually there was a small station placed in the start and a dog house on top of it. Kim connected the wires and got the lawn mowing robot from the trunk and placed it in the station. After a few hours of work, it was all done, she was floating around in the lake, taking a well earned rest. Resting up before the afternoon's and evening's testing. [h1][center][color=fff79a]Patricia Isaac[/color][/center][/h1] [hr] [center][b]Location:[/b] Campsite, then home[/center] [center][b]Interactions:[/b] [@Nallore] Riley [/center] [hr] Pat was quick on picking up her things. She wanted to get out of here as quickly as possible. She even packed a few of Riley's things that had gotten left behind. She sighed as she exited the tent only to be met by a hug. Pat blushed and smiled happily and hugged her little lover. She gently patted the girl's head and caressed her cheek before Riley left. She had gotten so absorbed in it that she forgot to give Riley back her things. Too late though, Riley was already gone. [color=fff79a]"Bloody hell..."[/color] She had found herself cursing a lot more than before as well. Most things seemed to be going down the hill for her. She had yet to correct all the summer tasks and prepare for the new classes either. Her vacation was running out. The familiar sound of her bike revving it's engine calmed her down as she got on it. She gave a glance towards the others, including the new lady. So many new people around here recently. Pat had barely kept up with the conversation, stuck in her own world. It didn't matter much though as she started driving down the road towards the town. It didn't take long before she was at the B&B and saw Riley on her phone. She revved her bike once to signal her approach before pulling up next to her. [color=fff79a]"Here...you forgot a few things.."[/color] she said and handed a leather bag to Riley. [color=fff79a]"I'm going to my place to pack a few things before driving out....somewhere...to relax and take a picnic. Feel free to tag along. I'll be at my place for about half an hour if you're interested before I leave."[/color] Pat handed Riley a note with her address before driving off home. She didn't bother removing her leathers and just removed her helmet as she entered. The familiar meow met her as she did and bent down and patted her cats for a little while. [color=fff79a]"Sorry girls...I'm leaving again soon,"[/color] Pat said and filled up their food and water before heading into the kitchen and started packing a cooler bag with some supplies before sitting down on the couch and waited to see if Riley showed up or not.