[@ShadowVentus] Maxie was about to disregard the creepy hotel and leave when she heard a noise, like a window opening. She turned and saw Taka leaning out of it, staring at her and directly addressing her. Maxie stood there for a moment, blinking at him. Though the feeling that had drawn her to the hotel in the first place got stronger upon seeing Taka, it only eased her awful social anxiety somewhat. She could still feel herself tense up, like usual, in reaction to being spoken to, and she was having trouble bringing herself to talk back, suddenly. Before she could spend 5 whole minutes in awkward silence planning her first move, however, her animals made their own first move. Maxie was a bit dazed still when she heard the cats near her begin to yowl, and saw them running at the stranger in the open window. Now, they were easy to stop by hand, but the circle of angry birds forming near the roof of the place was not. A bit of panic gripped the girl, and before she could really asses her actions, she found herself reaching her hand forward. [color=8dc73f]"STOP."[/color] She talked louder in that moment than she probably ever had in her life. Now, a sane and logical person probably wouldn't think that just shouting stop at a mob of angry animals would work...but soon, Maxie found that all the animals were sitting, birds on the roof, cats by the window, and all of them just staring at her, waiting on more orders. After seeing this, Maxie tried to play it cool, acting like she knew how to stop the animals the whole time, and slowly walked closer to Taka. [color=8dc73f]"....S-sorry...about that."[/color] She cleared her throat nervously. [color=8dc73f]"So, uh...h-how's....how's it goin'?"[/color]