[color=orangered][h3]Vexes~[/h3][/color] Slipping through a window silently the fox made her way throughout the apartment taking note of every detail, though most of it was a mess. Combat boots lightly kicked empty bottles and wrappers out of the way as roaches scurried to new places to hide, leaving nothing but a disgusted expression on Vexes face. Placing black gloves over her hands, she started shifting through the mass, checking under the couch cushions, looking behind all the appliances. Dust lifted up into the air as the items were disturbed. Stifling a cough, she waved her hand in front of her face. [color=orangered][i]I’m gonna give Barry a piece of my mind when I get back…I swear.[/i][/color] Most the time she was careful when doing jobs for detectives; however, this particular case involved a personal friend and finding a murder weapon seemed like an easy enough task. Deciding the gun was not in the living room, Vexes followed the worn shag carpeting down a tight hall. Light coming from the end of it signified an empty bedroom with clothes scattered about the floor. A flash of red, now more of a brown from aging, caught her eyes. Grabbing the flannel, she pulled a clear plastic bag out of her backpack, slipping the shirt in then putting it away. Any extra evidence meant more cash. Cash could always talk in a place like this. After another twenty minutes of searching and no luck her window was closing. Slamming the doors in irritation, Vex went to raid the cabinets in the kitchen in an attempt to find a drink, though her client would no doubt chew her out for any alcohol on her breath. After a few short moments she found a bottle of whiskey; grabbing a cup out of the cupboard she went to the freezer to find some ice. As the door open wide a smile crossed her face, her tail flicking in satisfaction. Reaching a hand in, she pulled out the small black gun, a whistle escaping her lips at the same time. [color=orangered] “This brings a whole new meaning to the term [i]cold[/i] blooded killer.” [/color] Checking to make sure the safety was on, Vex treated the gun in much the same way she did the shirt. She began preparing a victory glass when the sound of keys jingling outside the door caused her ears to prick and her heart to stop. [color=orangered] “Time to go, time to go!” [/color]. Setting the glass in the sink, she slipped out the window just as the ox came into the room. Catching a glimpse of him, Vex was able to see the moment where his confusion hit realization and fury took over. Before he even had time to react she was gone, sliding down the piping on the side of the complex. The moment her feet touched the ground she took off in a sprint, weaving in and out of the bystanders. Shoving his head outside the window the ox’s voice penetrated her ears, “I’m gonna [i]Kill[/i] you, you little [i]Bit..[/i]”. The last have was cut off by the usual noise in the streets in addition to the sound of her own breath. Vexes couldn’t help but throw her head back slightly and laugh aloud. [color=orangered] [i] You’re going to have to get in line if you want to kill me. [/i][/color] Checking her watch for the time, Vex slipped to the left down a long alley way that separated the old part of the town for the new. Knowing the town like the back of her hand, she slipped in and out between buildings until she found herself out back behind a gun shop. A tall German Shepard leaned against the backdoor, a hat covering most of his face and smoke trailing up from the cigarette in his lip. As she neared a smile crossed his face, showing a flash of white. “You’re late.” Checking her own watch, Vex rolled her eyes and playfully punched him in the shoulder. [color=orangered] “You had me for a second there. We both know I am never late.”[/color] Unlocking her backpack, she grabbed the evidence, slipping it into his hands, where it was replaced with money. [color=orangered] “And next time you send me on a job like this, get me someone who has a maid. Ya know how your girl likes her class.” [/color] Chuckling, he shook his head and patted her owns. A playful sarcastic tone took over as he added, “So you know what class is Vix? I’m proud of ya." After a couple of seconds he added, "You stay safe out there okay.” Barry was all but a brother to her. With her job finished, there was only one place calling out to Vex to spend her first lot. The Hole. After all, she still deserved that drink. As Vex opened the door she was greeted by a smoky atmosphere and the sounds of drinks clicking against various surfaces. Taking an open seat at the bar next to questionably well-dressed black wolf [@FallenTrinity] Vex gave a smile to Sacha [@VKAllen] [color=orangered] “One whiskey on the rocks. I’ve got something to celebrate today.”[/color] Placing the cash on the bar top she noticed a bleeding figure on the other side of the wolf. Leaning forward to get a better look at the poor soul she couldn’t help muttering, [color=orangered] “Although, it looks like I’m not the only one getting a job done today.”[/color] Catching the glass as it slid across the bar top she toasted both the wolf [@FallenTrinity] and the rat. [color=orangered] “Good luck to you.”[/color] Taking a sip she added slightly under her breath, [color=orangered] “One of you is going to need it.” [/color] Glancing behind her shoulder she noticed the broken TV. Taking another sip, she decided against saying anything.