Charles raised a brow "so you can speak" he states "looks like my thoughts was correct..." he chuckles "I'm afraid this isn't simply your forest, it also belongs to the village nearby, they must venture out into the forest for supplies" he states "who mock your art? I'm guessing you never heard of druids" he states "There is mocking the art of nature... then there is perfecting it" he says shaking his head "if you wasn't being an enemy to us right now.. you might of made a decent or maybe the perfect partner for me to train with" he sighs "unfortunally you didn't decide the peaceful route" he looks up the sky almost like he had forgotten about the snake and seems to mumble something under his breath as suddenly another golem starts to be created but one made of the earth. He would look towards Sithilerin and start speaking a chant again ending it with "Merge" and suddenly his body would be covered in lightning, this spell of course has a time limit.