[hr][centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/NsHFlgi.jpg?1[/img][/centre][hr] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjg4LjU5N2E0My5VbWxqYnlCTVlYSnRaWE0sLjAA/tt-cottons-light-demo.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjIwLjg1ODU4NS5ZMjlzYkdGMFpYSmhiQ0JrWVcxaFoyVSwuMAAA/decalotype.regular.png[/img][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjE4LmZmZmZmZi5abTl5WlhOMElHeHBibVVnTFQ0Z2MybDBaU0JvWVdWa1lRLCwuMAAA/decalotype.regular.png[/img] [indent][color=ed1c24]"Hey thanks. The key is to practice on plastic bottles. It's no skin off my bones to restrict my powers, I actually prefer that, so no worries on that end. I'll tag along for now. Lead on!"[/color] Rico bit his lip to keep himself from audibly chuckling in front of the others. [color=c4df9b][i]Plastic bottles, huh.[/i][/color] There was no doubt that he felt the slightest tinge of sympathy for Wednesday's wound, but at the same time he couldn't help but simply commend the man for his semi-upbeat spirit in such an environment. It was either he was extremely stupid, or just new to Arkos. The plant-bender truly hoped it was the latter, since he wasn't so sure how much more of this Jack's continuously-fired remarks the rest of them would tolerate. Someone's gotta learn, and this is one way to start. [color=917655]“Just give me a reason.”[/color] Rico noticed Estal burning a hole into Jack. Yikes... better keep some more vines ready. Just as he was about to turn on his heel, a stench that smelled too much like burnt hair and rusty metal wafted around his nose. Spinning a complete 180-degrees, he faced an exhausted Wednesday, who seemed to had just finished cauterizing her wound with - [i][color=c4df9b]wait, what? With... Oh.[/color][/i] Right. The lighting up of her arm earlier. That must have been where all those noises had come from. It was his first time meeting a heat-conjurer, however now was probably not the time to mention that. Dealing with Jack had him distracted the entire time she was struggling. Rico shook his head and gently placed his face in his palm. It's not that she needed either of them at all, but to imagine the kind of pain she must have endured made Rico's stomach do a backflip. [i][color=c4df9b]What. A Day...[/color][/i] [color=ed1c24]"Lets just go. Follow me. And you-"[/color] The elementalist said, shooting daggers at Jack. [color=ed1c24]"One wrong move, and I will burn this forest to the ground. With you in it."[/color] On queue, Rico followed, making sure Estal walked ahead before them. Amidst all the aerated tension, he took pleasure in the crunch of the dead leaves beneath his worn-out birkenstocks. They were the little things that brought him to familiar places - brought him back [i]home[/i]. It was times like these that he'd always end up reminiscing, for some reason. As if his parents' words acted as a barrier among the wolves of Arkos. [color=c4df9b][i]That's the thing,[/i][/color] he thought. [color=c4df9b][i]That's the thing about this island.[/i][/color] Everyone who was brought here seemed to grow up ten times faster than they should. They're forced to. You leave everything you have behind because in the end it's baggage that slows you down. That's what everyone needed to do in order to survive, and someday people like Jack will realize it. Estal already seemed quite self-aware, considering how she had her guard up the entire time. The newer guy? He was... different. Rico cringed at the thought. [i]Maybe different is what gets you killed. After all, that's how they all ended up here.[/i] [color=c4df9b]"Es, you can go ahead with Wednesday. I'll keep an eye on Jack, we'll catch up."[/color] he said, gently ushering her forward. [color=c4df9b]"So... blood's your thing, aye? I mean - it's all our things too, but, you can actually [i]do[/i] shit with yours?"[/color] Rico figured if he was going to partake in the gang's trek session, he might as well have made some new company. In the back of his mind, he'd already forgiven the guy for unintentionally jumping them. Maybe he'd have thought differently if he was the one who'd have gotten hit instead, but Rico was naive that way. Trust either made him or broke him, and that's exactly what landed him on the island. Was he mature enough to realize that? Not quite yet. But to him, it was always worth the gamble. [/indent] [color=gray][u]MENTIONED:[/u][/color] [@Ginger Kollie] [@JunkMail] [@Inertia]