[h1][color=ec008c]Vanessa Von Strong[/color][/h1] [img]http://creativefan.com/important/cf/2012/04/cute-hairstyles-for-curly-hair/the-girl-with-the-curly-hair.jpg[/img] Location: The woods / campsite Interacting with: [@Nallore]'s Vampy Anastasia .............................................................................................................. Vanessa hugged her mother and gave her a smile. Her father, who had fallen from the ladder while plain tiny the window frames, waved from the porch. A few days ago she had suddenly gotten a call from her mother and even though she knew she had a huge responsibility in Red Lake with the pups, she couldn't stay away. [color=ec008c]"Do You think you can handle him?[/color] she asked and her mother nodded. [color=7bcdc8]"Yeah, I th I so.. Will you be alright?"[/color] her mother asked. Vanessa nodded and gave her a kiss on her cheek. [color=00aeef]"don't forget to have fun babygirl"[/color] her father said and Vanessa laughed. [color=ec008c]"don't worry about me dad.. And stay away from that damned ladder!"[/color] she said and with her bag she walked to her car. Her parents didn't know what she was, at least not exactly. But they did know that something had happened. She simply couldn't say too much about it. [color=a2d39c]"We will visit you soon alright?"[/color] Vivian said and Vanessa nodded. She climbed into her car. Short after she closed the door, started the engine and put in her seatbelt she send both her parents one last handkiss and then started driving back. It was 10 am now so she would be back around lunch time. ~ Back in Red Lake ~ The moment Vanessa drove by the Welcome sign she felt more home. She drove right away to her dinner, with a bit of luck she could still have some people come in. First thing she did was sending Riley a text: [i][color=ec008c]Sorry for disappearing on you all, my father fell from the ladder doing chores and my mother needed some help around the house. See each other soon. Hug V[/color][/i]. She parked her car right in front of her dinner, it was her favorite spot. While putting on her shades, sunlight even did hurt her eyes the afternoon! She got out of the car and grabbed her bag. Just as she closed the door and turned around to walk over to her door, she bumped into someone who's body was colder than normal. Soto after that she smelled a at first rather yucky smell but when she looked up she saw the Vampire girl she had seen earlier. What was her name again? She didn't know and even didn't know if they had ever introduced themselves to each other. [color=ec008c]"I'm Sorry.. I wasn't planning on bumping into you... Did I hurt you?"[/color] she asked. Probably not she thought to herself but then again, not only vampires have a massive body. Werewolves have it too. [color=ec008c]"Can I maybe make it up with offering you something to drink?" [/color] Vanessa then said and closed her eyes while shaking her head. [color=ec008c]"That sounds weird.. I guess you know what I mean and what not"[/color] she said. It was weird to be nice to something you had learned to hate, but then again, maybe Cassandra was right and maybe vampires weren't that bad.. Or maybe just this one wasn't.. She didn't know, this was the first one she had ever met.