[centre][h2]Jonathan Carter[/h2][/centre] The first thing Jon did was cleaning the blood from his face, the long bloody gash from where Ray's dagger cut him bled profusely but it was nothing serious. Merely a flesh wound compared to that of the unlucky souls on the receiving end of Nikki's sword. His priority at this time was to go and make sure Jenna was ok. He tied the towel he was using to dry the blood from his face around the his head thus applying pressure to the wound he had suffered before heading down the stairs. He made his way to the kitchen, Jenna's usual hiding place and stood in the doorway looking in disbelief at his now girlfriend stood in front of him. [color=ed1c24]"Told you i'd come back to you Jen"[/color] He smiled. It was the first time he had cracked a smile since he had got to the school. He winced a little from the pain of his cut.