Seems like you drew a lot of inspiration from Homestuck, I gotta finish reading it :D Here's my attempt of a PROFESSIONAL AND FORMAL APPLICATION [center][img][/img][/center] Name: Jaedan [color=0054a6]Color of choice: Very beautiful blue[/color] Race: Human Class: Priest/Cleric/That class that attacks with holy light and stuff Bio: Jaedan is a name conceived by the ALMIGHTY SEER, Jaedan is a portmaneau of "Jaedas" which means JOURNEY and "Toedan" which means UNNECESSARY, those are words from the legendary ELDERSPEACH, a language so complicated that even the most wise sages stopped using it completly, because who the hell writes an overly complicated language just because it's cool? Of course it was some ELDER DOUCHEBAG who had nothing better to do, in fact, most humans are LAZY DOUCHES and you are no exception. You then decided to go PLUNDERING. You went alone, equipped with a SILVER WAND and your high FAITH, that and also a very beautiful STEEL ARMOR, ok, maybe not very beautiful, it would surely look better if you had the HELMET, but you sold it because a BACKPACK is more suitable for adventure than a high defense stat, besides that you had to be prepared for the S1CK L00TS you should find. After blinding guards and dealing MISERABLE amounts of damage with your SHINY SPHERES The adventure was a huge success, and you bragged for a whole week about your newfound stash of 31 SILVER COINS and a neat WATER FLASK, you went over the TAVERN to spend your hard earned oh i mean hard stolen CA$H and look for new adventures. Ah, besides that you also tend to be clumsy and speak very loud, you often lose track of time and forget where you leave your sweet STUFF, but on the bright side you tend to be very INSPIRING, just as any Priest should be. You obviously forgot where you put the ARMOR, so you'll use the regular PRIEST ROBES. Side note: It was supposed to be male, o shit, it's officially a she now,