[@JoukaiZachelon] Glad to see a Cleric! I'd like you to emphasize her being a cleric more in her sheet. Even though they shouldn't be one note characters, our group should all be kinda stereotypical to their roles. If you're gonna go the elf-route, I suggest you make her snobbier and use a shortened version of an overly long name, though Svenlothienleluskarsensonseliosulusamakamakawiwosureliussorengalthesmonsurensosangiferseuronsyteras the Thirteenth is taken. Otherwise, maybe a half-elf would work? Human is also on the table if you want, I'm down to have as many humans as possible to balance things out. Anyway, aside from that, I'd like to see a sprite on your sheet like the ones on the Character tab, but once all that's done your CS should be good to go. [@TheRestOfYou] I promise, IC will be up today! Music would totally be appreciated, especially in the form of 8-bit music for towns or character themes or whatever. Also, side note, I liked all the ideas PM'd to me, I just haven't had the time to respond to them separately and PM's don't have a like button to give you the "I saw this and I liked it" option. I'll get back to ya'll later.