"Don't worry about it. I'll be able to find a table for us. You focus on getting the other stuff." Allura said reassuringly as she gently let go of his hand. It took a bit more convincing but Akira finally agreed to let her handle the task of finding a table. Once he had left, the angel surveyed her surroundings once more. Although this tavern was much bigger than the one they had visited before, it still consisted of the some of the same things. There were booths and tables of various sizes, a target board where people could show off their knife throwing skills, and even a little area where people could dance to the fiddler's music if they wanted. It was extremely lively and it was a place that Allura could get used to, despite the occasional shady looking man or woman that lurked around here and there. Shaking that thought away, she refocused on the task at hand. While most people could care less that she even existed, some took a slight interest in Allura as she walked through the tavern looking for an empty table or booth. Some had a questioning looks on their face, wondering why she was wondering through the tavern alone; others glared at her, as if it was an insult to even look their way. Allura didn't take it personally though and kept walking. The last thing she needed to do was get into an argument that would get them kicked out of the tavern. A few minutes later, she spotted a small group of three that looked as if they were leaving the tavern. They were gathering their belongings and, as soon as they began to exit their booth, the angel quickly made her way across the room and slide into the space just before another group could. Apparently that didn't sit too well with one of them and she watched as the man came closer to the booth, a frown on his face. [color=0054a6]"Hey lady, this table is for more than one person. You need to move."[/color] His voice was low and threatening, but it failed to phase Allura; his voice could never be as creepy or threatening as that of a necromancer. Not only that, but she had been walking around looking for an open booth for a good fifteen minutes. There was no way that she was going to give it up now just because he told her to. However, Allura decided to try to defuse the situation by responding in a polite way. "My comrade will be joining me in a little bit, so I'm not alone." She said simply, hoping it would be enough. [color=0054a6]"Well, if they ain't here now, then you're alone. So you gotta move."[/color] The angel sighed, wishing that the man wouldn't make this more difficult than it had to be. "I just told you that my partner will be back, so I'm [i]not[/i] moving." A look of surprise crossed the man's face before he glared at her. [color=0054a6]"That's not a way to speak to a man. Someone ought to teach you some manners, woman."[/color] Hearing him say this made the angel roll her eyes but she didn't respond to him and instead took interest in an old stain on the table. When he noticed that Allura still wasn't making a move to leave, he spoke again. [color=0054a6]"Fine. If you don't want to move on your own, then I'll have to [i]make[/i] you move."[/color] The unruly man declared before reaching out to grab Allura. At that same moment, she had unsheathed her dagger faster than he had been able to keep up with and was pressing it lightly into his throat. He hadn't even managed to get his hand anyone near her. "You may verbally abuse me all you want, that doesn't affect me, but you will not touch me." She said, her voice just as low and threatening as his had been earlier. "Now I suggest you go and find another table. Walk around and wait for someone to get up like I did." So far, it didn't seem like many people had noticed their altercation but Allura hoped that he would go away before things escalated.