[@Estylwen] Tell me if shit's too OP or grimdark. I know that backstory is not exactly PG-13, but I promise not to bring anything THAT horrible into the game proper. Also, I can try to help to work out plot and already have some questions: 1) How long ago did Metahumans first manifested in the world? 2) Is nature of their powers understood or at least actively researched? Do they manifest because of the proximity to Anlites? 3) Are there major worldwide organizations concerned with metahuman affairs? Political bodies WERE slow with creating them, yes, but have they managed that by the events of the game? If not, have Metahumans themselves bothered with creating some organs of control or at least do the ol' superhero league-style thing? Metahuman police is mentioned, but not quite elaborated upon. 4) What is the situation with the Human-Anlite relationship? Do Anlite just... NOT NOTICE any living creature other than Metahumans? Like, are they invisible to them? If not, how were the negotiations, if any were held? Were there cases of military actions? Why were there problems with just trying to get Anlits to not kill our star and instead go to that really close and uninhabited, nice and large and SO VERY DELICIOUS Sirius A or B? Is the race actively malevolent or are they just COMPLETELY ALIEN to human mindset, have transcended morality and mortality and as such can't really be reasoned with? [Hider=Better] MOSHE BIN JEOCHIM | 16 | MALE Ideology: Unaligned - He wants to first wait and see how things shall unfold without making a decision. He shall hold onto his allegiance for as long as it is possible and decide on it only if he is backed up against a wall or sees it resonate with his being, and this strongly depends on influence of people he trusts. Nickname/Alias: Better Occupation: Most of the time, nothing. When he really requires money, Better sells his tissues and fluids to research organizations or becomes subject to research himself for a compensation. APPEARANCE Height: 190 Length: 307(W/Tail) Weight: 700 Hair Color: N/A Eye Color: Amber Ethnicity: N/A, previously Jewish. Physical Appearance: A hexapodal monstrosity looking equal parts like a scorpion, lion, very angry kraken and a granite statue, Better is beastly in his countenance and visage. Six mighty paws ending in vicious retractable claws uphold a sizeable trunk bristling with spikes, quills, armour-plates and eyes and vestigial tentacles bursting through small chinks in the chitinous armour and rock-hard skin, rear end of it transitioning into a thick tail with a vicious stinger whilst the front seamlessly fuses into a neckless, heavily armoured head armed with a slightly protruding beak-like mouth full of hook-teeth and split tongues seeping acidic saliva. From the front of his body, just beneath the massive head, grow two long, spindly but powerful multi-jointed and vaguely human-like hands with six digits each and two opposed thumbs. Preferred Attire: Nothing. PERSONALITY Outward personality: Better is calm, friendly and overall maybe at times a bit too condescending to others, seeing as he likes to flaunt his superiority a bit. He is competitive, energetic and also often starved for attention due to the nature of his powers and as such clings tightly and carefully to all acquaintances he makes in order not to lose touch with them or destroy his friendships. However upon deciding to resort to hostilities, his bestial side shows - he relishes in his own superiority and finds perverse pleasure in inflicting damage and suffering without any retaliation. This both extremely horrifies and exhilarates him - and he is conflicted on which emotion is stronger. Innate Traits: Competitive, Enduring, Confidant, Slow To Decide On Important Matters, Reliable(Once Befriended), Sadistic(When Angered) Fears/Weakness: Being introduced to his family once again would probably inflict great suffering on Better. He also quietly fears to one day find something that can truly kill him. Additionally, Better likes to believe the niceness of people, making him quite easy to manipulate through attention and displays of affection. Hobbies/Interests: Reading, Modern Music, Amateur Biological Research And Experimentation, Cheesy Romantic Comedies, Hurting Himself In New Ways. Talents: He posesses a nigh-intuitive understanding of biology, can balance a ball on his nose, and posesses a deep and undulating singing voice. SUPERPOWER Power: Adaptive Regeneration - Whatever doesn't kill Better, makes him harder, better, faster and stronger. He posesses an absolutely horrifying regenerative capabilities that knit even the most horrible wounds in matter of seconds at best and days at worst - but this is not the best thing about his ability. The true blessing, and at the same time curse is the fact, that his organism does not merely regenerate to the default form, but instead changes his body to be more resistant to the received damage in future, more able to avoid or overcome - basically, after regenerating from a bad enough wound multiple times, he eventually becomes nigh-immune to whatever made him regenerate in the first place. He can be affected by mind-warping powers of ESPers, but will grow more and more resistant to them as time goes. Burns give his hide rubber-like and heat-resistant qualities, bullets cause his body to develop redundant organs, his meat and bone to become denser and to be provided with protection in form of a biological sort of combat armour and improve his reflexes in order to notice the incoming fire and react in time. Exposure to blinding light and long nights eventually made his eyes see in the dark and quickly recover after being disabled - oh, and attacks from flanks and back make him grow eyes all over the body for that extremely useful 360-degree all-around awareness. After having to survive in the wilderness a long time his digestive system and metabolism changed to safely consume all organic matter, breaking it down to a swallowable state through extremely powerful acidic saliva - you get the general gist of it. Ability Drawbacks: Drawback One: Better is HORRIBLY, GODAWFULLY, UNNATURALLY UGLY. He lost his human form a long, long time ago, and only gets more monstrous as the time passes. This puts most people off really quick and really hard. Better himself too, isn't always happy with himself. Drawback Two: His gigantic form requires LOTS of sustenance. A district he inhabits quickly finds its population of stray and even domestic animals dwindling and their garbage dumps unnaturally clean of all organic waste. He could probably adapt to it if he starved himself to near-death, but Better doesn't want to check that one at all - hunger TORMENTS him. Drawback Three: He sometimes gets... feral urges. Direct, harsh and evil mockery or disrespect might cause him to involuntarily frenzy and assert his dominance by spitting a glob of flesh-melting acid at the offender or such. His spine and large nerve clusters of the vegetative nervous system grew thick and powerful to compensate for the main brain in case it gets destroyed or damaged and as such at times he reacts faster than he can think - swiping his deadly tail at something that startles him by somehow sneaking up from behind, even if it is actually an ally. More drawbacks will be added as I work them out. BACKGROUND History: Writing a big and well, properly written thing in a pad rn, here's a short version: he was a good nice little boy from a jewish-american family who once went out camping with his parents and friends. Guy went for a walk, got lost in the woods, stumbled on a bear and after running away from it for several hours got mauled by it horribly and for a very long time - the animal was rabid and unusually cruel, maybe affected by some metahuman influence or just plain vicious. As he was torn by the bear and living through the horrible pain that JUST DIDN'T STOP his grip on reality loosened and his latent metahuman power awakened. Then the pain continued for several another hour during which Moshe just COULD NOT DIE, but eventually the bear did took him for dead and left him in the middle of nowhere with one arm and leg missing, other two broken, face torn off and ribcage crushed. Then he somehow found in himself power to drag himself with his fractured arm, finding horrible pain to be energizing and sort of just... just crawled away to try and get out of the forest, all while noting with some strangely dull interest how his stumps and wounds blacken, crust over and grow into... something - like it wasn't happening to him and he just viewed that from the side. Long story short, Mr. Jeochim never found his son - but the rangers spoke about sighting a horribly murdered bear and an even more horrible-looking animal of unknown species darting between the trees. Moshe was kinda traumatized by the experience. A lot, really. He couldn't even THINK about what his parents would say or think if he returned to him the way he was now - but he thought long and hard about how they will probably stop loving him and will hate him instead. Tortured by these thoughts, he was hiding for a long, long while, ever-morphing and growing ever more troubled mentally. After some time and some self-analysis he sort of snapped a little bit and decided to embrace his condition instead of just sulking about how sad and miserable he is and hiding away from the world in forests. Thus, he was reborn as Better named for what he was and what he continuously became. He removed himself from solitude and attempted to enter the civilized world as a completely new person, and make something of the new life and new chances he is given. He now actively SEEKS harm and danger and pain because they improve him and attempts to enjoy all the benefits his new existence provides whilst trying to forget and push away all unwanted or sad thoughts and memories. Other: Might find a theme song. [/hider]