[@PKMNB0Y] Let me address the cultural thing first. Duels among the kitsune rarely end in death. However, outsiders don't have the same dueling culture and will often try to turn it into a death match, which is what happened. I mentioned that when she was 14, she was upset with this, but the fact that it happened when she was so young is partly why, 8 years later, she is over it. She's not jaded by it, but she has accepted the fact that it is sometimes necessary to kill in self-defense. Also, I meant to imply that she had to kill to defend her home from outsiders, not other kitsune. I just opted not to write a novella describing her emotional journey. As for the abilities, the ones you have problems with are based on folklore. I'm not sure why you find water-walking problematic. All it does is grant a mode of transportation in a specific situation. But, if it really bothers you I can do away with it. The foxfire, though, is integral to kitsune lore. I made it weaker because yukine is already a hand-to-hand fighter and I didn't want to imbalance the character. The practical function of it would be to augment her martial arts. If you think that the foxfire makes the character imbalanced, I'd be willing to alter it's function, but doing away with it is kind of a deal-breaker for a kitsune character.