[h2]Maxxy [sup]The Hole[/sup][/h2] As soon as the woman dismissed the insult and Sacha told her to wait a minute or two was about the time a rat busted through the door. Bloodied and beaten. Maxxy didn't bother to stifle her laugh at this joker. She was much more calm than this when she busted in, and Sam's health meant way more to her than her own. This guy was a goddamn pussy! But she supposed it was better to be a pussy than a dope. In walked another man, silencing the bar, with the exception of Maxxy of course, with his intimidating presence. A wolf, dressed in black. She was wondering why the douche hadn't already shot his prey, but a quick look at Sacha informed her that he was really good at that 'creepy' thing. It would be best for everyone if they all stayed in line for now. Then the wolf had a seat, ordered a drink, and had a casual conversation with his mark. Maxxy could barely contain herself it this point. Letting your mark get away, talking with them, and even paying for their drinks? The man was a comedian savant. Sacha also seemed to love to take the piss out of him, an added bonus to the already hilarious situation. While the wolf and the rat were speaking, Sacha passed some files from the Wolf to Maxxy. A quick lookover and Sacha's description told her all she needed to know about the situation, someone needed sleuthing done! She gleefully giggled, before mumbling something about murder and turning to meet John's stare. It was almost... flirtatious. Hanz over there responded in the positive, but Maxxy was having none of that. [b]"Really? Big fan of flat-chested girls? I'm taken. By disgust. And corndogs."[/b] She said with a fake grossed out tone. [b]"Anywho, even a pervert like you can be useful sometimes."[/b] she vocalized, getting up off of her barstool and walking over to him. [b]"Normally, I work with a partner. You're probably not as good as Sam at connecting dots, making connections, or eating fudgy bars, but this case is pretty straightforward. I'll give ya a 50% cut. Seem fair? Well too bad. You're between jobs anyways."[/b] She offered, with an outstretched hand. [b]"Also, do you happen to know where a 2010 Chevrolet Camaro is? Black and white paintjob. I feel like I may have... misplaced it?"[/b]