Hi [@Eyeruption] Love the character. You'll have to choose an ideology, at least soon, but I'll have fun winning you over to a side with my NPC's. I think you saw this coming. If I say, engulf Better in fire, he'll soon come to resist it. If I throw electricity into the mix, he'll permanently resist both. What if I tossed in anti-matter? Nuclear bombs? There is no end for your adaptive regeneration, and that makes you a god. I believe a fair compromise would be to allow you [i]one resist that changes depending on the damage you take[/i]. If I throw fire at you, you'll slowly become impervious. But if I change to electricity, as you adapt to resist it, you will lose your immunity to fire. Keep the overall physical strength, though. So you can also spit acid, have a powerful tail, you see in the dark, shrug off a flashbang, and view in 360 degrees. They aren't resistances, more like body augmentations. Keep the tail and 'quick recovery after being disabled', but I'm going to ask you to either drop 'see in the dark and view in 360 degrees' or 'spit acid'. Try to keep bonuses like this infrequent throughout the story. Or you'll become OP again. ;) Needing food and being ugly aren't true weaknesses. Dig deeper for some more. If I cut off Better's hand, how long does it take to grow back? How much adaptation takes place? Does this cause great fatigue? You need a specific weakness that makes you permanently vulnerable to a certain type of attack. You can choose what this will be, but cerebral attacks would be a recommendation. I think that's everything. Give it another shot, and ask me if you have any more questions. I'll take another look when you're ready. :) [quote=@Eyeruption] 1) How long ago did Metahumans first manifested in the world? 2) Is nature of their powers understood or at least actively researched? 3) Are there major worldwide organizations concerned with metahuman affairs? 4) What is the situation with the Human-Anlite relationship? [/quote] 1) 7 years ago, metahumans were publicly acknowledged, however there have been accounts of powers seen in previous years. Science is under the impression it's just a mutation in the DNA — a very intense mutation. If we consider my philosophy that the Earth has awareness, it would feel some form of destruction (Anlite) headed its way and create some way to defend itself, through superhumans. 2) The delay in the new law and legislation has been due to the extensive research done on metahumans. Governments have been absolutely gun-ho on creating anti-metahuman weapons to 'protect the people'. And yes, these have been secret experiments/research that hasn't been entirely ethical. This will be brought to light later. 3) Governments are on the cusp of it. It's going to be mentioned in the first IC post. These organisations will be using all this brand-new anti-metahuman gear. Metahumans do not have an official group that exerts force on other metahumans. It has to be government-approved to have any standing. However, I'm sure there's some group out there puppeting from the shadows. There are also human secret societies getting rid of any great metahuman threats discreetly. That kind of stuff can't be public knowledge, though. 4) Anlite can see regular humans, but because they lack the genetic mutation that metahumans have, Anlite don't see them as intelligent. It's like they lack an extra sense, or second brain, that all metahumans have -- making metahumans more evolved. It's like the difference between a mouse and a monkey. Mice communicate, have social structures and a way of life. But it's the monkeys who use tools, display complex emotion, have fore-thought and planning, and so on. Anlite went through an evolution period where they developed paranormal abilities, and that marked a time of growth, prosperity, and true intelligence for them. So they may be biassed in that regard, in that all life without that particular evolution is retarded. The Anlite are also selfish, meticulous and enjoy power. So they won't deviate from their course, and won't feel bad about squishing several billion 'ants' under their figurative boot.