[center][b][color=deepskyblue][h1]☾ ΟÐξΤΤξ ΚξΝΟβΙ ☽[/h1][/color][/b] [img]http://i65.tinypic.com/9uc468.png[/img][/center] It was hard to remain unseen with so many of those Storm Troopers marching around. And so far she had no luck finding the piece of the map they were looking for. Being on her own in this new place full of the enemy made her just want to seek out Ben and find her way to him again. But, she didn't. As a Jedi, she should be able to stand on her own. And so, she forced herself to continue on, searching though the building, until she came to a place that seemed very promising. It looked to be an old meting room, possibly where the Jedi Masters would come to converse and plan. She quietly closed the door behind her and began scouring through some of the chests and other places where the chip might be hidden, hoping to find something that would help them in their search in some way. Finally, after what seemed like forever of searching, she grinned as she found what looked a lot like the first chip they had found that had the first piece of the map. Now, all that was left to do was to go back to where they had stashed BB-8 and BB-11 to check and see for sure if this was what they were looking for. She was looking at the chip closely, turning in over in her hands as she inspected it, when she felt something metal press against her back and a deep voice speak, [color=gray]"Hand over the map and surrender, Jedi Scum."[/color] She felt so stupid. She had been so focused on looking at the chip and inspecting it to see signs that it was the right one, that she hadn't even felt the presence of anyone come into the room. But, no matter what, she was not handing over this map to this man. Over her dead body. And so, in a quick movement, she had grabbed the hilt of her light saber, bringing it to life as she turned and swung it at the man. The man was quick to step back from the attack, holding his own weapon at the ready. This man was no storm trooper. He was garbed in all black, with a metal sort of knife in hand that seemed to have a blaster on side and the blade on the other side of it so it could not only be used as a blade to cut, but could be used to shoot at someone as well. Which he did. He began shooting toward her, to which, after she placed the chip safely in her pocket, she used her light saber to deflect the shots. Yet, this man, from her guess, was high in the ranks of whoever had sent those troopers out, because not only did he have such a unique weapon, he also had some sort of a personal deflector shield that stopped the shots being sent back his way from hitting him. Soon, he had come at her again and the two were locked in a battle, fighting and trying to gain the upper hand. And soon, this man gained it because, as she turned to swing her saber at him once more, he had grabbed her long braid, jerking her back, causing her drop her saber as the man held her hostage, a hand around her neck and the other holding onto her braid, [color=gray]"Give me the map. Now."[/color] Odette wasn't about to give this man the map. She would die before something of that sort happened. Yet, that didn't mean she was going to give up so easily either. In order to hold her in place as such, this man had made the mistake of dropping his own weapon. A mistake that would be deadly for him. And in an instant, her hand reached out, drawing the strange blade to her grasp using the Force. And one it was, in the flash of an eye, she had cut her braid, giving her the leverage to slip out of his grasp and swiftly turn, shooting the blaster at the man, not giving him any time to react. The man fell dead to the floor and she huffed, catching her breath as she dropped his weapon and knelt to pick up her own, her now short blonde [url=http://www.behindthechair.com/multimedia/Collections/Hair/183/look%207_orig.jpg]hair[/url] hanging slightly in her face as she did so. She hated that she had to cut her hair, as she had always like it longer. But then again, perhaps it was better this way, so that no one could use it as leverage against her again like the man that attacked her had. After getting her saber, and with what she hoped was the map safely in her pocket, she began to make her way through the halls once more. It seemed like at least another hour had passed since she found the chip that she finally tracked down Ben, giving him a slight mental tug using the Force to get his attention to where she was hiding behind one of the pillars once again, waiting as even more troopers past. And once they had, she moved to meet him half way and hide behind a corner out of sight with him, pulling the chip out of her pocket to show him, [color=deepskyblue]"I think this might be it. I found it in one of the meeting chambers. We'll have to put it in of the BBs to make sure, but I'm very hopeful this is it."[/color] Pausing and looking to him, she knew he would have noticed in the sudden change in her hair, seeing as as long as she could remember it was always fairly long, [color=deepskyblue]"I had a run in with one of those people. A leader of some sort. He attacked me and almost won. I managed to get his weapon and escape, but...well, in doing so I had to cut it."[/color] She frowned slightly, disappointed in her own weakness, touching a piece of the short strands, [color=deepskyblue]"I guess I wasn't strong enough on my own to keep my promise of 'not leting even a single line of hair get cut'."[/color]