[@JoukaiZachelon] Make the eyes less excited and then throw her in the Character Tab. Also, this reminder goes to everyone, save your sprites as .png files! Saving them as jpegs compress them and add artifacts that make transparent-select pasting in MSpaint a bitch. As such, I was gonna have all of us in the first IC post, but I'll leave appearances to be pasted in as more people interact with the plot. Whether you use sprites or hero mode is up to you, just put effort into whatever you draw, details are important, etc. You're all capable. Also, feel free to change settings throughout the RP, but realistically -- Don't jump from here to a desert, for example, but moving us into the man's hut wouldn't be too extreme of a change to make without asking me, so long as you draw the interior. With that all said, have at it! IC is up. Go nuts.