Parum had to put her feelings aside for now. She wanted to question how ruthless these people could be, but right now simply wasn't safe. Because while the ruthlessness of Trear and the warrior could be brought into question, the dragon circle above them could not. It was obvious that it would have no hesitation burning them all alive, if given the chance. So they left and continued towards the Keep. They moved the same as before, with Trear and the warrior taking point, Parum and Orchid staying with the family. It wasn't long before Parum heard the cries of draconic none too far away. [color=7bcdc8]"Sounds like more kobolds. Orchid, stay here and protect the family, you're too wounded to fight. The rest of us will deal with these!"[/color] Parum already had her sword and viol drawn, so she scampered up to get near Trear and the warrior to join them in the battle. [hider=Rolls] Initiative = [url=]23[/url] [/hider]